trying to consolidate all ZeusRay posts

I was with you right up to “… This lights should always start on high …”

Which would lead to a religious argument AKA an OS war AKA a perennial discussion that’s like the difference between a crow and a raven.

My opinion is selfish opinion but better that than next mode memory.

Last mode memory would be also ok.

When something wakes me up in the night all I want is to investigate fast and than I want maximum output(especially with small zoomie) and I certainly don't want to cycle from low,mid,strobe to high mode because in a hurry I often over cycle that kind of light(had few of them, and they were irritating) and push button 20 times until I found high mode :)

I don't know about crow or raven but high mode is mother of all modes to me.

So people’s individual requirements will always be different. With your example, when one of my kids wakes up from a nightmare and appears in my bedroom doorway for me to take them to the toilet, I would wake up and shine nearly a thousand lumens directly into their face! That’s not gonna help me get them back to sleep!

But I do definitely agree that ‘no memory’ is better than ‘next memory’ mode. That’s why I can’t use the newer brass-pill ZeusRay and just used it’s emitter to fix my older one.

My personal opinion is:
’Last memory’ > ’No Memory’ > ’Next Memory’

Flexibility of memory mode choice would be ideal. This is what helped me decide on the Eagletac D25C Ti for my EDC (CR123A/16340 powered). It has ’always start on high’ when the head is tightened. Then ‘last memory’ with other modes when the head is loosened slightly. And this can be optionally disabled with a simple gui combination so that there is ‘no memory’. You can even enable and disable moonlight if not wanted. Ultimate versatility with just a simple rear clicky. I don’t think their D25A (AA/14500 powered version) had the same ability to change memory mode.

Hopefully DealMetic will take feedback on this thread, implement known fixes and lose bad functions in their next ZeusRay releases. There is another recent thread from DealMetic here which shows the new upcoming ZeusRay models. I guess knowing this info could cannibalise sales of their current model. I certainly would recommend new prospective buyers to wait for a revised model!

All the best,

:) I imagined that situation with Mr. Bean or Jim Carrey in main role...

I am assuming they got snookered by whoever assembles the flashlights,
or whoever assembles the flashlights got snookered by their supplier
or a beancounter just said “put in the cheapest crap you can get and sell sell sell”

Nobody uses ‘next mode’ memory by choice. It’s just what the garbage can has in it, dirt cheap, that’s why it shows up.

Review of the EDC120:

While fiddling with filing down switches to fit, I noticed another lottery issue for the ZeusRay — the little springs that go inside the brass button aren’t consistently the same shape or diameter.
Some have coils that are wider at one end; some are the same diameter all the length of the spring; the metal varies from silvery to brassy colored.

Still hoping to find a good switch that fits.

Dear Hank,
Please let me know if you got it it right to change the switch.
Few of my zeusray having problem with the switch (not completely dead, but problematic)

Here’s what appears to be the new “copper” (brass) pill ZeusRay for $10 with free shipping:

Beam picture shows the spotty emitter they began using a while back.

Anybody feeling lucky?

EDIT — now down to $9.49 with free shipping.

Not at all.

Nope, I haven’t found a replacement switch that fits. Still hoping. Must be one somewhere.

I press them out (remove battery, then push on the button or squeeze in a vise with a bit of dowel or something to push the button into the hole in the tailcap)
take them apart, put some conductive lubricant where appropriate
add a bypass wire: Why Bypass The Tail Switch? sometimes, put them back together.
haven’t tried a beryllium spring, should try that.

So far so good.

A similar long confusion happened with a group buy, where the first supplier couldn’t or didn’t meet specifications — just posting this cross-reference as I thought the two situations were both great examples of lessons that could be learned about how Chinese companies could work with BLF people — or not — to mutual satisfaction.

Done right, they get BLF design and quality control and improved specs, BLF folks get what they specify with many people contributing to improving the spec. Done wrong, well, we know how that works out …

I might have missed this… are glass replacement lenses available for the ZeusRay?

Where do they list glass aspheric lenses?

I have to ask why? Can’t see a problem with the stock on personally.

Oh, no zoomie lens from flashlightlens — search around for “aspheric” and the diameter you want, don’t know if they’re mentioned around here or not.

I’ve used some as mules with flat diffusing lenses, super-floody.

I’m looking for the same size lens it comes with, in glass, which should allow more light out the front and be more resilient to scratches. The lens that came with mine is quite hazy. I really like this light and would like to improve on it where possible.

I already did, could not find anything, that’s why I’m asking… I could only find replacement plastic lenses. If that’s the case, well let it be.

I put a glass lens from a different zoomie in, and it made almost no difference. In fact, it may have been a slightly worse beam, for whatever that is worth.