【TS10V2 Co release soon】Wurkkos "slender waist" TS10v2 copper available next week with 3000k&4000K

Use version check (15C from off).

15 click and nothing happens

Sorry, forgot to mention you need to be in “Advanced” mode first. For that, 10H from off.

No, version check works even in simple UI.

1 Thank

You are right, just checked in my current-firmware TS10v2 and it’s like you say.

I do remember Advanced mode being needed, tho… perhaps some older Anduril version?

Anyway, @sp5it: if 15C doesn’t result in a lot of blinking (which will then spell out the light’s firmware version), either your TS10v2 is FUBAR, or you are clicking it somehow wrong (not from off, not using the right timing, etc).

Is it 15 clicks on/off 1s timed or 15 on ?
In manuat it says 15+C

I read that as 15 plus (15 or more clicks). Start with the light turned OFF.

1 Thank

I can’t decipher

thank you :slight_smile:
I can not make sense of the video

It says: 0000 2024-04-20

The first four digits are the model number, the rest is the version date. Regarding the model number, this is what I wrote in my message to Wurkkos:

This is a development build, which will report model “0000” in version check. If your test was successful, I can send you a firmware version with a proper model number in version check.

There weren’t any important changes after this development build, so it’s still the latest version available for the TS10.

4 Thanks

Thank you Sammy :beers:

  • 2024-04-20, the latest version of Anduril
  • from looking at the code it should be using the default value of low level in voltage mode
  • ceiling is 130 in simple and advanced UI. FET is limited to 50% in turbo.
5 Thanks

thank you for all the details

I dont know what 50% means.
Is it less lumens on Turbo than earlier TS10 firmware permitted? To prevent burned CSP LEDs? :wink:

1 Thank

More or less the same lumens as before. The latest batch of LEDs was able to draw more current and with 100% it was apparently able to exceed 2000lm and celebrate that with a puff of smoke.

5 Thanks

Thanks for all you do,
to keep the magic smoke
from escaping.

1 Thank

Measurement of copper TS10 v2 3000k

5 Thanks

thank you seems to be a 9050 LED w Tint DUV of 0.0064… rather high Tint DUV.

How does the beam Tint look to you?

1 Thank

I also see these in the code, thanks for pointing it out.

This the part that got me scratching my head:

FET is limited to 50% in turbo.

And further on:

The latest batch of LEDs was able to draw more current and with 100% it was apparently able to exceed 2000lm and celebrate that with a puff of smoke.

Given that no new model was created for the TS10s with those latest LEDs (or at least I can’t find it anywhere in the latest trunk source tree under hw/wurkkos/ts10, nor can I find a specific branch for it under Branches · ToyKeeper/anduril · GitHub), I gotta ask: how is this being handled? my guess would be a private tree or branch (i.e. not on TK’s GitHub, at least not yet), is that the case? or is FET being limited to 50% for TS10s with both ‘previous batch’ and ‘latest batch’ LEDs?

I can figure the “DUV of 0.0064” part on @sp5it’s report (and also understand its significance, given what I learned from your explanations on the subject some months ago, thanks again for them), but not the “9050 LED” part… I can see the “90” in a couple of points, but not the “50”… :expressionless:

Care to, ahem, ‘illuminate’ me again? :grin:

The world doesn’t stop at a single repository. But in this case it is even visible in that repo because of the associated pull request:

That’s the R9 value.

1 Thank