Tutorial: Rewrapping a battery

Thank you HKJ! :beer:

Does anyone know where I can get buttontop plates (and I guess the plastic insulating rings) so I can rewrap flat tops to button tops?

If you had the spot welder needed to attach the buttons you'd surely already know where to get them.

Just make a small solderblob on the top.

Some AA batteries have ā€œremovableā€ button tops. ā€œRemovableā€ because they are technically welded on with two tacks. Be careful unwrapping old AAs, an unwrapped cell is easier to short out in the trash bin than one with its wrapper intact.

You can make your own insulator rings with scissors and a paper holepunch.

I rewrapped my first cell a few weeks ago, using a method just like tatasal described in #76 a few posts up: Tutorial: Rewrapping a battery

hair dryer was enough to do most of it, used a lighter to tighten up the two creases down the side, and a few parts on the ends that didnā€™t shrink enough.

I used precut lengths of wrap from Illumination Supply (illumn.com) and hit one difficulty at first try. The groove behind the head of the unprotected pack pull batteries I was rewrapping is deep enough so if the shrink wrap is heated too much it shrinks excessively and splits when it shrinks into the groove. Very little shrinking is required which means minimal heat and taking care.

Richwouldnt - I think Iā€™ve also had shrink split at that groove at least once.

Thanks for posting! :smiley:

Thanks for the post. I just did a 12 pack of eneloops with a candle. Very easy to do.
The candle was nice because it is fairly consistent heat and I could hold the battery with both hands. Super easy and they came out nice. Just hold it above the flame a good distance and move the battery quickly.

Just a tip:
Iā€™m using translucent shrinkwrap and put the label with brand/type/capacity underneath the wrap.
That way the label can never get loose or become unreadable through use.

very useful tips in here, I just bought a bunch of supplies over at fasttech and will follow the ideas on here.


Thanks HKJ for this post :sunglasses: :+1:

After seeing your work I decided to go on the Aliexpress website to look for battery rewrapping.

I didnā€™t know it existed, Iā€™m happy itā€™s great.

Iā€™m going to share my discovery with all those who are looking to rewrap their damaged nimh batteries.

AA Nimh > https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32380197376.html?spm=a2g0w.12010615.8148356.8.aa357c77HD8AIW

AAA Nimh > https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32381794883.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.78f73027y5AWnM&algo_pvid=9891f43c-f8d0-4365-9b2b-d9746c216fb2&algo_expid=9891f43c-f8d0-4365-9b2b-d9746c216fb2-59&btsid=0ab6f83115970610016928167e9e2e&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602*,searchweb201603*

Iā€™m so happy :partying_face:

this is very useful, thank you.

One tip that may help save you some loss ā€” after wrapping and putting the identifier label on, add a label with your contact info (cellphone or email). The idea being, if you happen to lose your flashlight, you might get lucky with a good natured person finding it who, after opening it up to see whatā€™s inside, would see your contact info on the battery.

Can you tell me where I can order such a flashlight?