UltraFire C8 Cree XML T6 Mod Suggestions

I won this flashlight in a giveaway thread that GearBest was running an I thought I would like to mod it and change the driver to update the UI and output boost would be nice as well.

He is a link to the actual flashlight:

Ultrafire flashlight

I saw this post on an older thread and I just thought I would quote it instead of digging up an old thread.

Am new to modding and this would be the first for me. I am pretty knowledgable when it comes to electronics and I have the equipment to solder but selecting the right products for the upgrade is where I lack the knowledge and experience.

What would you guys do with it?



If it’s a thrower you want, look at This Light which I bought from 18sixfifty. I have a stronger thrower but this light has become my “go-to” thrower. Hugely impressive for it’s size.


Thanks for the reply and the link Phil. I am inclined to keep it in the current single 18650 configuration. I’m just not sure what the best pill, driver, and LED combination would be to maximize the throw. It may not be even worth doing bu I thought. Would fiddle around with it.
