ultrafire sk98

I already own a sipik sk98, but as a lot of you know, this light is only good in desoldering itself. I now saw the ultrafire sk 98 18650 clone for only 8$, and i was wondering if someone has this ultrafire version and what your experience is with it: is it properly heatsinked? does it have mode memory? how does it compare to a sipik sk68 (clone)?


I’m wondering myself…I have one shipping in from WallBuys…at least I think I do.

should receive mine tomorrow

i doubt it is any better, which is why I’m planning to add to the heatsink, change the driver and maybe swap to xpg2

I received mine today from Wallbuys. Overall I’d say it’s a very nice light for $9…but…it has a hollow heatsink, grrr and appears to have next mode memory. Maybe it’s not SO nice! I do like the form factor, but beefing up the heatsink and popping in a nice 3 mode driver would make this a great light.

Dam, i really like the sipik sk98 (although throw is bit disappointing) but it is just scary not knowing if the light will melt in your hands :). I added some heatsinking by adding compressed aluminium foil but I haven’t dared keeping it on more than 30 seconds or so… I really hoped this clone would have been better heatsinked… Also next mode memory is the worst possible possible memory. Thanks anyways!

I got my Wallbuys Ultrafire SK98 this past Monday and it works great.
As far as heat, I ran it on high for 25 minutes mostly tailstanding and it got warm but never hot and the heat was distributed throughout the whole body, so I would have to say that it has adequate heat transfer.

It is indeed next mode memory which I am used to from all my C8’s.

Anyway, It was a steal for $8.
Really like the medium mode, one I will use most indoors.

auwch too bad it’s next mode memory even for 8$ i would just find that annoying :slight_smile:

I really dislike the next mode memory. Without it, this light would be used much more! Now i prefer the uniquefire c108s from wallbuys, that has 3-mode with memory.

Yeah I got this light as well and it is sweet!
Nice beam pattern and good output. Might have to get another C108s.


Does anyone know the tailcap measurements on the SK98 from wallbuys?

I received one from a member on here for postage alone a few months ago. It had the hollow pill in it also, but made a hunk of aluminum to fill in the hole. Mine pulls 3a on high on a good battery. It warms up really fast and it gets hot very shortly after that, it gets warm all the way through.


forgot to take a pic, but I did this pill the same way as the SK98. This is the pill of the $5.93 wallbuys zoomie that takes 3aaa or 18650 I think someone said it was the WF-838. This light should be a beast when I get 17mm driver in it.

Is it perhaps direct drive on high? I think mine pulls quite much current with the right battery as well.
I did the resistor mod, so now it always starts in high, much better!

Mine is definitely direct drive. Tested it with another battery that was fully charged and it did 3.5a this time. It also does next mode but resets pretty fast. This thing is a super flooder! Think I’m going to give it to my buddy that loves the sk68.

Went to a gun show with my Dad last month and he almost bought a SK68 for $25! :open_mouth:

Ordered 2 apparently identical ones from Fast-Tech, one an Ultrafire and the other labeled as a “1000 LM Cree”.
http://www.fasttech.com/product/1173301 - Ultrafire
http://www.fasttech.com/product/1206301 - Cree

Recommend the Ultrafire. :slight_smile:

The Ultrafire emitter is well-centered and the lens was clean.
The Cree has a off-center emitter and the centering ring, LED, and lens were pretty dirty; it also had a broken o-ring.

Both have a scuff on the tip of the emitter and some dings on the body. Both focus perfectly at full extension and were still running after 20 minutes on high, but very hot. The huge “Panasonic” 3400s from Fast-Tech fit.

Next time my Dad is not looking these will materialize in his glove compartments, LOL… :santa:

Did a search and found this thread. Since I’m new on the board I’m digging through search results looking at threads that discuss the lights I have purchased. Just received an Ultrafire XML-T6 SK98 clone from Ebay ($8.50 which I thought was a good price but see now I could have done a bit better). Not my first 18650 torch, but first of this design. Been using the SK68 with a 14500 on duty but have swapped it for this one to run it through the paces.

I see terms that I’m becoming familiar with, yet don’t ‘know’ what they mean; heat sinking, hollow pill, direct drive etc. Not to sound ignorant, just haven’t really been exposed to them before now (and haven’t searched them out yet due to time). If there is something that I should do or look for on this particular torch then I’m all ears.

So far, with limited use the torch is working well, though like mentioned above, I could do without it automatically going to the next setting. But do like having the settings (H, M, L, S and SOS).

Here is an amazing resource to learn a lot:

Here is some info on how to easily fix your next mode issue:

Good info Unknown.

The hollow pill (if you have one) shouldn't be a problem if you don't plan to modify the light. Most stock lights are fairly under driven. So the emitter isn't usually shedding tons of heat.

If you're not feeling the light warm up on high, you may want to open the light up to make sure the emitter's base is will seated in the pill.

I appreciate the links, thank you :slight_smile:

I got this one

I just got thru modding mine
20mm copper sinkpad silicon bonded down to hollow pill
XM-L2 U2-4C emitter
Nanjg 8*7135 driver flashed with custom STAR V1.1(flipped) starts HI>LO (turbo w/ 2 minute timeout, high, med, low, moon, and no memory (always starts on high from off))
20mm adapter plate
opened up the clicky and soldered the spring to the switch lead instead of having just a barely touching connection

Thing runs crazy bright now, even brighter than stock and doesn’t really get hot anymore…warm all the way thru, but due to the turbo timeout with fallback to high rather than wide open it rarely runs hot

Yeah…the SK98 is a jack of all trades master of none kind of light…but it makes a pretty darn good light…my EDC is still my Convoy S5 though…this one is on my desk at home and any time someone needs light, well it get’s used alot