I want to explain it better: The Voltmeter had 3 times 7 segments to show the voltage. I used only 7 segment.
For 4.1V the display shows 1.
For 3.6V it shows 6.
I was searching for datasheets that fits the Display of the Flashlight and the Voltmeter. I tested the displays with very bad NiMh batteries in a 3S carryer or I used my multimeter with resistor test. After finding the correct datasheets I has written down the needed connections.
I see, you bought an aftermarket small digital voltmeter that had 3 digits displayed. A cheap one like this for instance.
Each digit was the same 7 segment style as the flashlight display. Then you jumpered the 7 or 8 wires that lit up the 2nd or 3rd digit (the one displaying tenths of a volt) to the flashlights single digit display.
Ahh, ok. Yes, didn't follow that. Look'n at your pics, you got definite non-CREE LED's there - think mine are real XM-L2's based on the look and power/output. I assume you got it here at DX: dx.com/p/fandyfire-r8-8-led-7000lm
Interesting. I have an identical un-branded 9-emitter clone of that light since back in June of 2016, that arrived DOA from DX. ( the one i have the driver arrived dead. I am modding it with a mechanical clickie side switch, Nanjq Q-Lite driver, and nine Nichia 219B or C emitters in place of the 3535 no-name LEDs it came with.
Just wanted to say that I am one of the members who originally bought one of these UF SRK style lights some time ago & rated it highly for the price.
In fact myself & Teacher got a 4 led version each & were very impressed with them.
In the last couple of days Teacher has got a 9 led version & I have a 7 led version on it”s way which should arrive this coming week.
Teacher has confirmed that his new 9 led version is not the same quality as his original 4 led version.
Thinner rougher threads, not the same chunky raised positive contact ring.
He has not stripped it yet but I expect the shelf has gone as well
I expect my 7 led version to be the same.
It seems that UF has reduced the quality of the components/build in these lights.
Wut? $20? Where did you get it for that price? That's a great price for this light. at DX, they are close to double that.
Thanks for the info! This is interesting. I thought this light caught on with a small group, just couldn't find the posts/threads. If you have or find any photos of the earlier or later versions, please post in this thread.
So sounds like so far:
they downgraded the model/design by removing the shelf, thinned the contact plate, poorer thread design, though I thought my unit has pretty good quality threads, as shown in the OP picture
LED's can be anything, whether it bares the UltraFire name or not, but mine bought from UltraFire.com is listed as CREE LED's and does appear to be CREE LED's
Isn’t a big issue that there is “Ultrafire” the brand that makes not too bad flashlights and the name just being slapped on anything thus can be any quality, usually poor?
The use/abuse of the UltraFire name has been going on a long time. Couple years ago UltraFire tried some legal action, maybe a notice sent out to retailers to stop selling UltraFire clones. Banggood did the right thing and pulled all their UltraFire branded items, but many either ignored it or didnt' receive it.
The UltraFire site used to have a posting about the problem, but I can't find it anymore.
Much more current, has pricing, descriptions and accepts orders - this is where I ordered my 6X from. Still has broken links, links that don't takes you where you expect, but they do respond to service/ordering messages. Patents are list on "Contact us" page.
The sites list different addresses, different numbers, etc. Seem totally unrelated, but who knows.
I got it at that price during the 3/29 Ali sale. The have several SRK variants and some other lights I haven't seen show up here on BLF yet. Right now the lowest price one of the types you discuss in the OP they have is the 8-emitter version for $21.74 (after $1 for $15 purchase coupon):
Any idea what size the connection is for that charge port?
It’s nice that the charge port connects directly to BAT+ / BAT-, because then you can use whatever charger you like. It may be odd for a flashlight, but that’s how these things are done in the swordlight industry:
I've got a dozen or so different "real" ultrafire lights and they are usually a big step up in quality over the fakes.
Bummer this light didn't come with a real pill. It seems most of them don't anymore. Lately I've been putting in a copper pill for them not threaded or anything just put in place with thermal epoxy. I buy the blanks from metals direct then just polish them with a circular sander until they are nice a smooth for the noctigons. I've got extra blanks around from last time I bought them, they are a little bigger though, and might not work for you. If you think they will work and want one let me know. Just pay shipping and I'll send one out. I've still got a copper threaded pill that Bucket gave me and these work just as well as far as I can tell. Either one will transfer heat to the light so fast that it will burn your hands pretty quick on turbo.
This 9x has a copper pill made from a direct metals' blank, it's got a BLF driver in it. With high amp LG's you can't hold on to if for long on turbo.
Neither UF-4, UF-7, or UF-9 that I have has a shelf. According to info from Mitko b-h got, these had shelves in them…… when Mitko last purchased some.+< EDIT+: What Mitko said was mis-understood… they NEVER had shelves
UF-4 & UF-7 has screw securing reflector to MCPBC. UF-9 does not.
UF-4 has driver with raised Batt + . UF-7 & UF-9 have nothing raised at all.
To me the threads on UF-4 are smoother than UF-7 or UF-9
Driver ring on UF-4 much, much easier to reinstall than UF-7 or UF-9
UF-4 came from FastTech…. thanks b-h
UF-7 & UF-9 came straight from UltraFire
UF-4 has a washer under the driver
UF-7 had nothing under the driver
UF-9 had the small piece of wire somewhere under the driver or retaining ring. It was not reinstalled.
UF-4 ….Washer under driver
. UF-4…… Reflector retaining screw
. UF-4……. Driver raised Batt ring+
. UF-7 & UF-9 Driver with nothing raised at Batt ring+
. UF-9…… Small wire mentioned above is in this picture
Edit…. I think I remember the driver board being a bit thinner on the 7 & 9. b-h… if you take your 7 & 4 apart measure the driver board of each please…. I forgot to do it.
Maybe you’ll have yours real soon. According to tracking it is about 20 miles or less from your doorstep.
One of my favorite ” user” MT-G2 flashlights is an original Ultrafire M-51. Its quality built and with a fit & finish on par with top name brand lights. Sadly over the years the Ultrafire name got trashed by all the junk clones and copies.
Sorry, missed these postings. 18sixfifty - real good to see you back around! Haven't seen you post much. That 9X mod sure looks sic!! I'd do something like that. Figure 8-10K lumens?
teacher - weird that I got a different/better ring setup in the 6X bought recently then what you got in the 7X and 9X. Odds are bad, evens are good I guess...
I've made mine own up with a brass ring, reflow them to the PCB driver - did this on the 16X light with a HQ OSHPark board: