UltraFire "T90" / TrustFire X6 clone at Wallbuys

That’s got to be the fasted order to ship time for WB ever! Just under 24 hours. I guess I’m getting a “1500 Eurpoean lumen” light after all.

Proof the second review is fake: “Packaging is great too - internals close to cases used in professional cinema. Batteries and charger included. Strap, spare rubber rings, front glass, clicky switch with spring and a little grease included. ” there’s no battery and charger included. And to top it off, I found the source:
I’m sure the other two are there as well.
This is officially my last order from Wallbuys people. I wish I had caught it before it shipped. :frowning:

Agreed, if I could find someone on here to do that for me I would probably do it.

My T90 came in today and it’s BIG! Really big. I’m liking it so far. Workmanship in some spots could be better, but overall I think it’s a good buy. I’ll review it soon.

Did I mention it’s big?

There’s a press-fit cover over it, had to pry that off. Driver is rather small, but drives quite good; I measure 7.08A to the emitter. There;s no heatsinking on the FET or diode, which are easily the hottest components. Adding a heatsink to pull additional heat into the huge driver area should help get up to emitter max of 9A.
Driver efficiency is decent too:31.8W in, 27.4W out. 86% efficient. Better than the TF X6 driver results I heard of 70ish%.
More details in a future review and mod post. :wink:

Nice buy relic,this looks like a quality light with good anno.I like the fact this is 26650 compatible,anxious to see your review.

Sneak peek: 60kcd, 1450lm :slight_smile: up from 49kcd, 1250lm.

This was a fun light to mod. I hope to have the review and mod posted this weekend… maybe.

I’m not interested in de-doming it, but I bet you’d easily crack 100kcd with that mod. Dale had good results with his de-domed X6.