Uneven charging on Liitokala Li202

I am the same as you ‘scotlarock’ I want mine to charge even……… just because I do.

Great news, I am going to try that on my newest Lii-202 this evening and see if, for whatever reason; I get the same results as you. :wink:
Thanks to all that provided the info. :+1: … :slight_smile:

A resistor of 2 MOhm in parallel with R5 will lower the charge voltage 0.05V.
The same with R15 for channel 2.

And again - got a 2nd 202 and - as the 1st one - this device charges uneven, difference is more than 0.5 Volts. I don’t like that. Bought this chargers mainly for travelling, handy with USB supply, but I often charge cells for 4S (edit:) 4P lights like the Q8 and I want them charged even. I know how to fix this flaw, did it with the 1st device, but it’s time consuming, and I won’t recommend this device.

I just bought this charger. Should I be worried?

I would check battery voltages after charging of cells in both slots.

For me the cure to this issue is a better charger. Seems a bit much to expect perfect performance from a $4 charger (including shipping). I’ve got a couple of them. For what they are they work ‘well enough’. Undercharge, as long as it’s reasonable, is fine with me. Overcharge, unless trivial, is not. Minor balance differences in the 2 sides, again unless pretty significant, are going to be completely overshadowed by minor variation in cells when used in series. If you really really NEED that extra 0.05 volts, a better cell with more capacity will do you far more reliable service.

This is BLF and full of modders of course. You want to fix those little suckers, more power to you.