UniqueFire UF-V2 Vs FandyFire STL-V6 Vs Olight M3X

Added to the list. I do like the 26650 size. Whats ILIKEFLASHLIGHTS think?

Great work! Thx for the shots ILF!

This is nice. It shows you just how close they really are!!!

Thanks guys.

But really Troop deserves all the credit.

I don't have any 26650 lights. I told Rick I didn't want to add any since that would just mean different batteries and another charger.

For the money spent, the Fandyfire STL-V6 is the clear winner above.

If Fenix TK70 had also a low light = 10 lumens I would buy it. Do you know how many lumens has its low light?

Why in their official web site is not there Fenix TK70?

Light Mode: Low: 20 lumens (168 hrs)->Medium: 300 lumens (15 hrs)->High: 930 lumens (4 hours 30 minutes)->Turbo: 2200 lumens (1 hours 50 min);

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but their "official" web site is www.fenixlight.com and the TK70 is listed there.

Low mode is 20 lumens for 7 days, not so much over your required 10 lumens:

Low setting would be the last setting I would even worry about when buying a TK70. The first and foremost reason why to buy this light is the turbo mode. And the other 2 factors only that go against buying this light is size and weight. Get over those 2 quickly and you will really like this light.

What would you suggest for budget thrower in these 3:
Fandyfire STL-V6, Crelant 7G5-V2 and Skyray STL-V2 ???
I want to get couple of them for our securities at our resort and don’t want to spend too much since I have to buy 3 or 4 of them. I was leaning to 7g5-v2 but I saw on your other post that you have 2 of them having problems. And i want something durable as well something that could last for a while.
Thanks in advance!

I myself would buy the FandyFire STL-V6 for $45 each at deal xtreme. You won't find a light that will beat it. Quality seems to be very good from what I see.


Yeah... exactly! I often wonder why many dedicated throwers come with a very LOW mode. I cannot imagine the lowest setting being used on say, the Thrunite TN31 . The purpose of a thrower is to THROW; and that means putting out as much light as possible.