[Updated 2023-02-10] Migration complete

It’s a pretty vanilla copy of Firefox that I haven’t used much… I mostly just keep it around for compatibility with the occasional site that my other two browsers don’t like. I haven’t really configured it.

In this case, BLF wasn’t working, so I tried Firefox instead… and it gave me the error in the screenshot. That’s how I found out BLF had migrated to Discourse.

What is your regularly used browser?

Generally Dillo 1st, Chromium 2nd. But with some of the upcoming changes in Chrome, like dropping Manifest v2, I’m looking for something else to use. Maybe ungoogle-ified Chromium, maybe Firefox, maybe something else.

1 Thank

Wow, Dillo is kinda rare, which makes sense because it’s so minimalistic. :upside_down_face:

Never heard of Dillo
I use Firefox for 99% of my browsing but keep Chrome in reserve and it auto starts in incognito mode which is useful for google searching without getting tracked up the wazoo.

Of course since i upgraded to Windows 10 last month Edge was auto installed, though i have no use for it.

I also have W10, but I dislike Edge so much that I got rid of it.

1 Thank

And it looks like they’ll be auto un-installing IE for you too…

I didn’t even know it has IE!

Yeah it won’t be missed by most I guess. Still a pretty big move, and a definitive end to an era for Microsoft.

From Wikipedia:

To this end, he designed Dillo to be small, fast, and efficient, capable of performing well even on an Intel 80486 CPU with a dial-up Internet access.

That brings back memories :slightly_smiling_face:

I use Vivaldi Browser as standard.

I think it is default in Manjaro Linux. The CEO has reasonable opinions, he won’t take investors in. The company is owned by the developers and they say they don’t track We don’t track you. Nothing, zero, zilch. | Vivaldi Browser .

@ToyKeeper I think it is the Andúril Version of Browsers :wink:

I tried out Vivaldi months ago.
It is impressive, but there’s one thing that old versions of Opera can do that Vivaldi cannot:
Put new bookmarks at the top of the list.
Otherwise, I’d probably be using Vivaldi instead of Opera. :slightly_smiling_face:

So it can’t sort bookmarks by time? PC Version does it.
I sort alphabetical or by own

I can recommend Brave browser for desktop, here’s how to configure it for best privacy:

I’m using the PC version.
I’m not talking about sorting the bookmarks.
I just want NEW bookmarks added to the top of the list, not the bottom of the list.

For example, here is one annoying thing the old site allowed people to do if they knew how. It let people put arbitrary CSS in their posts, so it was possible to do almost anything CSS can do.

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“Notice me, senpai!!”
That’s hilarious! :grin:
I love Japanese role-playing games, and some other Japanese culture, and I can just imagine a Japanese character yelling that.

1 Thank

Thats actually pretty cool
I am curious how you have that page from old BLF on your site?

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Toykeeper is a Goddess.
She can do six impossible things before breakfast. :grin:

1 Thank

… I saved it?

Years ago when I was playing with CSS to see what BLF would allow, I decided it was a bad idea to post what I found because it might set off a wave of really obnoxious posts and generally make a mess. But I didn’t want to just throw it away either, so I saved a copy. Hadn’t thought about it in a while, but now that the old site is retired, it seemed like it was finally safe to post it.

I really enjoyed the ability to use arbitrary markup with almost no limits, but I can definitely understand why social platforms almost never allow that. There are just too many ways to abuse it. My example was harmless, but not everyone is going to limit themselves that way.

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