[Updated 2023-02-10] Migration complete

Who is the current leader?

DB_Custom, but he hasn’t been that active (on BLF) lately.

1 Thank

Interesting, i would have bet it was you.

Edited my post to clarify who “that jerk” is – me. I guess it wasn’t as obvious as I thought.

3 Thanks

Or @Bort missed the nuance of your words.
It happens to post whores.

At this rate you will have more posts than him by next week.
Literally :joy:

I’m sure it’s been brought up a lot already, but it is bizarre that you cannot see the other participants in the private messages. In my INBOX, I see my own name and that’s it, for many of my PMs. Useless.

Yeah I mentioned it a bit above : [Updated 2023-02-10] Migration complete - #523 by thefreeman
I hope a solution can be found.

Yes, it’s an unfortunate consequence of using a non-standard forum theme which really cleans up some aspects of the /latest list, but it uses that same code for the private messages list and that paradigm doesn’t work there.

It should be noted that you can see the participants inside the private messages:

And you can search for PMs with a specific user in the PMs list:


Do you find this to be an acceptable situation? The PM system is like, dysfunctional.

I’m trying to solicit judges for the OL contest and I can’t tell which PM goes to who. I suppose I’ll have to put their name in the message title in order to make sense of it.

Nope, but I’m sorry that I can’t improve it without coding some advanced theming overrides.

What I can do for now is that I enabled the default Discourse theme, it’s available now as Discourse-default in the theme selector. I haven’t fully tested everything with it, but it should be good enough to at least switch one browser tab/window to it and use that one for PMs, and then keep your normal theme preferences for other BLF activity in other tabs/windows.

4 Thanks

Although the workaround isn’t perfect, it’s better than what we had before. :+1:

The avatars showing (with mousover to show name) is definitely better than nothing, but it also shows how bad the default discourse theme is.

If your custom theme could show the names in series like this, that would be great:


1 Thank

FWIW, I took a look at the raw html the site generates when my themes are applied, and the names and avatars aren’t actually present in the markup as far as I can tell. So there’s nothing I can do with CSS to add it.

So for now the only option is to use the “Discourse-default” theme to see who a message was sent to… or open each message individually to find out.

I have some other stuff to fix up though, due to underlying changes in the site… so I hope to upload a theme update soon.

2 Thanks

Ok, thanks guys. Using the “Discourse-default” theme in an isolated tab is a workable solution for now.

Thanks @Hoop for your patience, and as always thanks to @ToyKeeper for the technical help.

I see this in the posters map with the Discourse-default theme in /my/messages , the data-user-card value can’t be displayed with CSS even when not mouseover?

<td class="posters topic-list-data">
    <a href="/u/hoop" data-user-card="Hoop" class="latest"><img loading="lazy" alt="" src="/user_avatar/budgetlightforum.com/hoop/48/7606_2.png" class="avatar latest" title="Hoop - Original Poster, Most Recent Poster" width="24" height="24"></a>
    <a href="/u/sb56637" data-user-card="sb56637" class=""><img loading="lazy" alt="" src="/user_avatar/budgetlightforum.com/sb56637/48/8214_2.png" class="avatar" title="sb56637 - Frequent Poster" width="24" height="24"></a>

If not I can try to scavenge code from some or all of these that add the username text to the avatar via a custom handlebar template:

Printing the usernames in text would be Improvement 2.0, as for implementing the most basic improvement of showing the participants in a PM I have two options that are almost working via handlebar template overrides:

  1. Show the td.posters.topic-list-data column from the Discourse default theme while using the BLF Default theme only inside the PM list. I have this basically working, but I’m having trouble modifying the column header only for the PM view, so the PM list is skewed to one side with the addition of the posters column.
  2. Add the td.posters.topic-list-data column to both /my/messages and /latest. This would be easier to implement, and some might appreciate the overview of frequent posters in public threads, whereas others might see it as clutter.
3 Thanks

100% clutter in my opinion.

1 Thank

Yes, the td.posters.topic-list-data field doesn’t exist in the HTML I’m receiving. The list items have td.main-link, td.num post-map posts, and td.last-post. So the server would need to send additional markup before the stylesheet can display it.

OK, I think I have the most basic improvement implemented in the default BLF Theme (and I disabled the Discourse default one again). You might need to reload your BLF browser tab to see the changes:

I would appreciate any CSS tips that @ToyKeeper might suggest to make it sacrifice the Last Post column when the screen width is reduced instead of shrinking the Participants column to just 1 avatar. Also, I didn’t enable this improvement yet for your themes because the new column needs a bit of padding to work with your modifications.

Would you like me to enable it anyway to make it easier for you to inspect, or do you already have an idea of what to tweak?

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