Darn. Just found out about this. Is it too late to join? I hope it isn’t.
Also, thoughts on white vs green light for the throw? I’d like green because more light + more throw + special cool green beam but a long throw white beam is more useful. Then again, most of us already have a ton of white flashlights.
Edit: woot! Martin got back to me. I’m in for a green thrower & nw flooder (+extra 18650 tube and batteries). Can’t wait to review these babies.
Gotta refrain from ordering another combo to get the white flooder too.
Also, another question: is the LH351D 4000k really putting out 4000 lumens, matching the 6500k? I’ve seen 5000k matching 6500k in lumen count but I don’t think the 4000k can do it. I’d love to have max lumens on the 4000k emitter, or at least just a bit less. Anyone know the full number?
I must admit I had some second thoughts on using green light in a thrower but after testing it with Acebeam's L17 I got to say it's pretty useful. Distant targets were much better to spot for my eyes when using green light instead of red or blue light. Now, Acebeam uses KG CSLPM1.2 giving a bit more lumens whereas Manker uses KP CSLNM1.F1 with probably a bit more peak intensity. But the result should not look much different than this... :-)
Finally got around to ordering:
1 x BLF Limited EDC Muscle Combo
(Thrower: White, Flooder: Neutral White, With 2 Batteries: Yes)
1 18650 Battery Tube
Can’t wait to get them in my hands.
If it weren’t for the “TIR” style optic, I may have passed on the deal… what’s another compact thrower to add to the collection (Nitecore P30 and Lumintop GT Mini). Also another Quad LED companion to the Manker E14. Hopefully MC13 can be the light that I can rotate with the P30 for field work (at least that’s why for also).
Thank you M4D_M4X and Manker for making this deal happen.
I think the issue is high drain 18350. I have the 1100mah vapcell (9A I think). Not sure how many Amps the manker combo will come with but I figured I’d get them together just in case. I have 3 30Q’s and some Sanyo GAs ready to try on the 18650 form. Will probably use the 30Q’s as I plan to use both in 18650 (bought extra tube).
Unfortunately, Manker emailed me as I have same issue with shipping batteries to South Africa. I have asked Manker to see if they can use Buffaloex.com who are a specialist China/SA shippers that have shipped me flashlights with 18650/26650 batteries inside from Banggood.
Perhaps there is a similar company that can work for the Philippines.
Ultimately I may end up having to use a Samsung 30Q and something like a Vapcell 18350 which I can get locally, but I would like to get hold of the Manker batteries.