usbasp wiring

Does this look right? Some show 5 wires some show something different. idontknow?

Gold mine, treasure trove of pertinent information for you here.


Is there a way to check if your computer is communicating with usbasp without it be connected to a driver?

Should be listed in your device manager. I forget exactly, its been several months since I've done anything with my clip. Plus I'm on a Mac now.

Sorry, I'm sure someone will come in with some more knowledge than I.

I know tk has hello_ world but I cant find it. I should have bookmark this stuff.I think I wired It like a picture from Tom E ?? Hopefully my crappy will help. :frowning:

I wrote a short guide a while back that shows the Pomona wiring (in post #2): Guide: how to flash ATtiny13a based drivers (NANJG, QLITE, etc.) with custom firmware

“The command: avrdude -p t13 -c usbasp -n is a test command and will let you know if the chip is wired correctly.”