Utorch UT01, Known 14500 Issue - Has anyone fixed it permanently?

Made me laugh. :+1:

My perception over the last 5 years is the Chinaman does not run new batches for problems like this unless;

1. They are red hot sellers and the manufacturer needs to run another batch anyway and they can label it 2.0 etc. as a new/better version
2. They get sooo many returns/chargebacks that they are Forced to fix the issue.

Usually they just come out with a new model and pretend the old problems never existed or were not as bad as some people said.
We are dealing with a low cost flashlight in this case, not a $600 smartphone which may catch on fire so the pressure is just not there for a budget brand to do anything about glitches.

That said I have 3 of them, 2 work great the other is the freak. At least they all do work and function, they are just a PITA when you just want to click and go.
Would not buy another now, but the light does have nice features and killer output.


Out of the four I bought, three still work perfectly while one needs the ‘break-the-circuit-at-the-tailcap’ treatment.

The ‘faulty’ one has become my EDC, as I always lock out my pocket light anyway. The UT-01 is still my all time favourite 1xAA light despite the odd one being quirky.

At ten bucks apiece, I still feel like I stole ’em!

UT01 fan here. Mine purchased Feb. 2017 from Gearbest never displays this 14500 cell issue. I run it with 14500 and AA and no issues.

I’m a couple years late to the party… but if anyone has UT01’s sitting around that you’re not sure what to do with, I can send you my mailing address :wink:

UT01 driver swap info