Videos! Interesting or just plain funny.

Gotta blame thank MrsDNF and this thread Show us your motorbike. Stll, action or broken. for this.

Feel like a ride ?

Fantastic video Suncoaster. I can thank you for me being late for work this morning. YES.

An advertisment, but interesting nonetheless.

3D pen with cool ink.


What Is The Speed of Dark?


@ suncoaster's link: Is it really safe to use UV lights in that manner on you skin? I thought not. I am not sure I'd let my kids use it like in the commercial. But interesting product for sure.

“Get a real flashlight”

This dog owner taught her dog lots of awesome tricks. Really fun watch:

The video above is very funny even if your not a soccer fan.


Crying laughing at the video too, and I don’t like football (sorry soccer) one bit !


Flowhive - honey extraction without upsetting the bees.




Those budget cuts hit hard !

That Robbie Madison is not going to grow old gracefully. Orsm video. How long until we see snow mobiles out there?

Very interesting to see how light travels!

MIT’s Super-Fast Camera Can Capture Light as it Travels
