Many BLF members have criticized Vinh in the past for the same reason. However, you must understand we don’t live in a communist society. Vinh mods lights for a living to feed his family not just a hobby like the rest of us. Asking Vinh to share his hard learned secrets is the same as asking Apple, Intel, AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm, etc. to discard all of their patents and share their technologies with the world.
Im not going to bash the guy as I have never dealt with him or talk to him. But the one thing I have never really liked about the circumstances is I don’t think he has ever shared his mods.
I have had a Sunwayman V10R ti for several years and have never been able to find much info on how to increase the current for more lumens.
I read several times that “I just got my V10R back from Vinh and it does 2.8 amps”. :cry:
Me as a modder “I want mine like that”, Well how did he mod it? No one knows, so it was a Vinh secret.
After several years of using this light and then the recent Amazon deal on the V11R.
I gave this current mod alot of thought and free time.
After a few weeks of testing buying parts and reasearch, I think I cracked the V11R,V10R current safe.
I was finally able to increase the current in my V10R.
I didn’t keep it a secret I shared it here on BLF.
That’s what BLF has always been about “Sharing”.
Imagine what light and what kind of modes you would be carrying right now, If it wasn’t for people like Toykeeper, Tom E, Tido, TA, Lexel, Comfychair, Dr.jones, JonnyC, Old lumens, and alot of others, the list just goes on and on.
Nothing wrong with offering modding services for some cash (some people would never have a modded light without this service) but here on BLF it’s all about sharing knowledge with the Community.
Just my 1 cent .
We all are free to do as we wish. Its his business to do as he wishes and that’s fine. All I was saying is that is not in the spirit of BLF. It’s great that he offers this service as some members would never own a hot rod light without him.
Like I said imagine all those who have contributed here in complete silence. This page would not exist Flashlight User Interface Cheatsheets
I don’t know the guy, it’s just my opinion from how I see it.