
What happened to the give a way thread??? Usually threads are locked, not deleted. Did people mark the OP as spam until it was taken down?

Apparently so, because here's the link:

Thats what I mean… Rare that a whole thread just goes missing here. Locked I can see, but deleted? Either I missed something juicy, or people just marked it as spam…

I was actually going to buy one of their lights if I didn’t win. Then when I saw that thread go to hell in a hand basket I changed my mind. Only for the reason that I assume their CS will be as good as their online presence. Nill.

Too bad though, good looking lights.

Looks like I was wrong.

Mr. Admin took the thread down:


Wellp, that’s one way for Vollison to make sure nobody here buys their lights.

Talk about ruining their own reputation…

Dirty_Pierre had received 15 of the lights and said he would post back about what would proceed. There were surprisingly few entries, giving everyone in the thread an unusually high chance of being a winner. Unfortunately that list is gone with the thread.

You guys must have missed the earlier thread today.

So anyone know what happened to DP?

I was in for a UC20 or whatever, the one people were making fun of. :smiley:

Actually, I did not miss it, and this one was first…

I must have missed yours earlier then. :person_facepalming: . :smiley:

Don't worry, it happens to the best of moderators.