Wallbuys.com [AVOID]


I do this as well… no drama, no worrying… if it doesn’t show - refund.

begone. do not ever come back

To Wallbuys:

There are certain limitations (read: rules) to what we members here in BLF has to follow. I you can’t follow those rules, then the next best thing is to make your own Wallbuys FORUM wherein you can make your own rules.

So it’s business as usual in your website. Satisfied customers of yours will always be yours, regardless. Life goes on…

To Wallbuys:

Keep making sales with great prices.

If you focus your energy on having great deals, great customer support, improve your webpage, improve shipping time, get popular products etc… etc… Customers will come to you. You will not have to run after them…
Also, people share information here. We share good deals. So keep making them and do your best and you will get publicity.

You have managed to get your store known to all members on this forum. Now you need to improve and make yourself known as a good store.
Words do little. Begging for forgiveness does little. Actions speak for themselves. So make sure your actions are good! :slight_smile:

If you do well, some time in the future you might get the “avoid” tag removed and you may not be banned.

Best wishes…

RaceR86 +1, well said.

This just keeps getting more pathetic.

I received a PM from user Matt lisa identifying herself as “Karen” from Wallbuys, begging for the ban to be lifted and apologizing for the bad behavior. At the same time, the following anomalies are apparent:

  1. The email address they used to register this Matt lisa account is at the “qq.com” domain, which is the #1 domain for spam registrations here at BLF and notorious for spam across the web.
  2. The geographical location they entered is “USA”. Wallbuys is not in the USA. (The time zone of this account was chosen to be GMT +8, which is the time zone of many parts of China.)
  3. This Matt lisa account was created after the Wallbuys account they have been using recently.
  4. On 28/DEC/2012, they used this account pretending to be a consumer to post spam here.

All the evidence suggest that this account was created for spamming/shilling purposes well after they had already started doing business with BLF members.

Wow, and I'm guessing you saw the thread they started earlier tonight also? (Deleted via the mark as spam button)

Wow wallbuys, just give up and face the fact that you are not wanted here. I’m sure I speak for quite a few people when I say that our feelings towards you will never change.

Thanks for the update sb.

Now Im glad, I just got a refund from them.

But I must say, that Im pretty grateful for buying so much stuff from them at these exceptional low prices!

I also must say, it won`t probably be my last time.

No… It’s really not
The whole self moderation thing comes into play. Sb is only one, not always able to catch things right off

As that post is all of these "dirty, lewd, or sexually suggestive" it is ok to mark it as spam (as I did). See here.

Names Chinese retailers choose.

Who's the "greatest" retailer in the world? (Profit margins, efficiency, market share, control over their suppliers etc.) Who's business model is dissected and analyzed by every marketing MBA course in North America, maybe the world?


So if I'm a new Chinese start up, hoping for strong US sales volumes, what company name might break through the clutter and get people's attention?

Wal... (maybe wall+buys?)

Mart... (maybe Tmart)

Just a thought...

(I'm sure you'd see "Apple" in some of the Chinese storefront names if Apple hadn't registered it up the ying yang world wide.)

Not to defend wallbuys in particular, but we're buying in a wild west kind of market here. Eventually competition and consolidation will weed out many of the players, and we'll be left with better communication, better customer service, and HIGHER PRICES.

My attitude is take your chances now and enjoy the game. If we want a better customer experience we already know where to get it...

Illumination Supply

Outdoor Store



Doing Outdoor

Going Gear etc. etc. (I'm sure I've left out a bunch)

Maybe I'm weird, but I actually enjoy the process of purchasing budget lights!

When will it get here?

What shape will it be in?

Boy I think I got a great deal!

What a cool light!

Explaining to my wife why it was CRITICAL to have this light (develop your creative negotiating skills)

Wow I forgot I even ordered that! (Pleasant surprise)

The one "budget" company that really impresses the hell out of me at the moment is Fasttech. Great pricing, responsive customer service, truly fast shipping, good process for dealing with issues post delivery, clear and easily navigated website...

Seems like everyone's waiting for them to slip up? (Skyray King clone, soggy batteries,??)

BTW I did buy their black Skyray King.

Is it as bright as my "true" King (whatever the hell that is)?


Is it a great light for what I paid?


Will I continue to take chances with these Chinese start-ups? (Aura Buy seems like the latest one.) Yes!

The suspense of the process is just too much fun to pass up :)

I wasn’t ready to pull the plug on it personally, but I did want to draw attention to it so that he could edit it, or to see what other members had to say, I have seen some pretty ugly things be accepted here, and still don’t know the standards yet.



Just needed to get that off my chest sorry. :expressionless:

Really feel sad about their banning as I bought some incredible stuff at very good prices from them. All orders were delivered in about 2-3 weeks time. But I agree that the scamming and cloning strategy is not to be accepted in this community more than anything considering that there are very clear rules in this regard.

Although, considering that a lot of members are satisfied with their purchases from wallbuys, maybe we should offer them a second chance after a period of cool down time?

Third chance you mean? They already blew the second chance, hence the ban.

Eh…Maybe the whining undertone that’s crept up will now go away…

It is a strange roller coaster ride with Wallbuys, and while individually I like the deals and the deals can win me over as an individual, the owner of this site had to deal with being constantly pushed to the wall by some weird self destructive impulse by Wallbuys, a schizophrenic impulse of being an actual real life retailer, and at the same time almost appearing to play some determined game of deliberately pushing against the rules of BLF, and not unique rules, but ordinary rules that would be common to any site, common sense rules.

I want those bargains, and I trust Wallbuys in my purchases in a legal/business sense, but they are not prepared to focus purely on business and friendly participation with their customers, there seems to be some under current of unhealthy psychology and assertive competition going on with them in their interactions with BLF, and we the general public.

They pushed too far, and as much as I want those sales, and as much as I and most of us know that language and being new was most of the issue, Wallbuys is aggressive in a way that is almost hostile, and frankly, while anything but hostile to me, they were hostile against this site and the public.

Yea and I have to admit that I did enjoy being able to tell Cherry on her plea thread for Wallbuys that I can’t help you since that is what she told me in a email about the I6. What goes around comes around.

You don’t need to “admit,” you are a very open person and you showed Cherry for all of us.