Want to review products for companies? Found Thank you!

I hope my previous post didn’t come across as arrogant. I posted the pictures to show what you can do with some honest writing, not to show off. I know all of you guys are able to fill a room with cool stuff you got through your reviews. Not to take anything away from Vestureofblood, but check out the link below. It is a collection of sites that sellers post their products at low prices hoping to get reviews. Vipon has more offers than most, Snagshout has less, but higher quality items at good prices. Anyways, check it out and get yourself some good stuff. Best of luck.

Amazon reviewer collective

Thank you for the opportunity VOB!
If I can fit in I’m interested in reviewing flashlights only. You can see some mods, reviews in my sign and a big measuring tables. Also I got a youtube channel with some very short review sometimes in english and sometimes in hungarian. If the manufacturer wants I will do only in english.

If all places filled then no problem! I like your videos! Keep up the good work!

Id be interested in doing some reviews.

I have done on many forums and amazon as well.

I would like a shot at this. You can ask my wife for samples of my reviews. every time I take her dress shopping and she asks me if the dress makes her look fat. I give her honest heartfelt reviews. She stopped asking so I need other stuff to review