We have a winner! 1000 post Giveaway (pick one out of three)

Congratulations and thank you. I’m in.

I’m in.

I’m in.


Congrats. Count me in!

Congratulations! I am in.

Thank you, I’m in

I’m in—thanks for the contributions!

I am in. Thanks.

I’m in.

1000 posts - wow!

Thanks for the chance. I’m in.

In. Thanks!

Congratulations! I am in. Thanks.

I am in!

Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the 1k posts!

(I have a US shipping address I am hoping I will need :smiley: )

Congrats! I’ll be doing one of these soon myself. I’m long overdue. :blush:

I’m in!

I am not sure why the USA have no economy shipping

I can send a small package up to 500g
L + B + H = max. 90 cm
untracked international for 3.7€

if i go to a price comparator from USA to germany with the same size and weight I end up 32-110$

Congrats sesgum! It's great to have you around here.

I'm in

congrats! please count me in :slight_smile:

Congratulations! I am in please.

I am In, whoo hoo.

Congrats and I am in.
Some nice lights to offer up. Imalent has been on my wish list.