Welcome again! budgetlightforum.cz.cc has moved to BudgetLightForum.com

Ooops, forgot about that one. It was still linking to budgetlightforum.cz.cc, that's why it would spawn a new tab. Fixed now. Thanks! Any other oddities I've forgotten about?

Now that's what I call a quick fix!


Hello BLF.com,
job Mradmin. Is that domain taken?

Yup it's "BottomLine Foods"

I'm late to the party... again, but I just wanted to say thanks and great job!

I actually didn't notice anything at all until Firefox refused to fill in my username and password automatically, which is when I noticed that I had been redirected to blf.com. Very cool. :)

Great, I'm thrilled to know that it's working out for everyone.

Google is starting to show links to our .com address now, so it looks like the changeover is successful.

I did a Google for an XTAR Wk20 (review coming soon) and BLF was the third hit down - and the link worked.


Welcome budgetlightforum.com! in my opinion, it is what it must be,and the top level domain make me encouraged.

I have a similar story. I Googled Discovery Bargain and the 7th hit was the BLF thread "Discovery Bargain?" and the Google sample text was from one of my posts. I find it strange that something so unimportant that I wrote would show up on a Google search. How do I let Google know not to take what I write seriously?

If you do find out, let me know too ;)

Here's a fun one: Try Googling "solarforce m6". At least for me, BLF is the #1 hit, and it's even higher than the Solarforce product page.

That is impressive. Especially after only a few days. It has just been a few days hasn't it? I've been a bit busy....

Not that I've accomplished anything, just been incredibly busy.

Yep BLF is no.1 for me too. Links 2-5 are for Solarforce-Shop and are not actually for the Solarforce M6 but instead for a G&P light.

That is why I spell out important search words when I write an ad at work, or what I think/hope will be searched. If I'm selling a Corvette, I sprinkle "Chevrolet," "Corvette," "Chevrolet Corvette," "Chevy," and/or "'Vette" and the like throughout the presentation and make damn sure it's in the title/header. If our car does not rise to the top during the auction, I tweak the next ad trying to game the system. It's not an exact thing but quite often, if there's a dozen Z28 convertibles on eBay, ours will usually be among the top 3-5 cars on a "Camaro" search, for example. You would be surprised at how many people will use the word "convertible" only once or twice when they're trying to sell thier convertible.

It is possible however, that none of the above is even remotely accurate.


Try Foybezel. Bigtime

"Foybezel" now gives 5 pages of results...BLF FTW! :P

Well now that it's all said and done, I'm glad we moved.

http://nic.cz.cc is down, and BLF would also be down if we were still using .cz.cc.

Good timeing then :)

Hehe. Yeah, I noticed that as well. Time to update the bookmarks on my phone, I guess. ;)

Or maybe I'll just look into setting up Firefox Sync again. I never bothered after a beta ate half my bookmarks when I was out of town and about 600 miles away from the latest backup but I suppose the did iron out all the major bugs before going live with FF4.

Nice to have a .com domain, it looks imho more reliable.
But, to be honest, I wouldnt have recognized it without this thread, my bookmarked adress forwarded me to the new one.