What aa light to buy

I had decided on the CQG S2 3-mode version for myself, because I wanted Low > Med > High, but now it seems that the 3-mode version is actually High > Med > Low, which is no good for me. If the 5-mode version is Low > Med > High (don't care about the other 2 modes) with no memory, that'll be the one I want.

If not, then I'll keep watching this thread, looking for a light that meets my criteria:

- XP-E, XP-G, or XM-L

- skinny (don't want a 25 mm diameter light. The CQG is only 15.5 mm)

- Low > High, or Low > Med > High, with no memory (I want the light to always come on in Low)

- clicky, but hard to accidentally switch on in pocket

- neutral white available

- floody

- works with 14500 and nimh, and provides a fairly low Low mode with either battery type

- under $40

do you have a link to the batteries and a charger you recommend. i like the ideal of the eneloops because i have a 3aaa head lamp and a few other aa and aaa lights

Costco and Amazon both carry them with 8xAA and a charger for about $20-25

Yeah I was looking at getting the 8aa and the 4aaa pack for around $30. Thats the main reason I want a light that I can use the eneloops in

Under $20: http://www.shiningbeam.com/servlet/the-115/**NEW**-Romisen-RC-dsh-G2-III/Detail

Mowgli, how about tank?

ipx8, 14450 supply, XPG-R5, Brand named, $18... Seems good?

+1 on Tank007 566

+1 on nitecore ezAA

fenix e21
