What blade did you EDC today?

My other favourite are my customs from the late Peter Marzitelli. The one of a kind Big Snarly in Dino camo is in my pocket most of the time.
Met him at his house and showed me the last custom folder is made…fell in love with it and picked it up from him.

Funny… when you wrote “you like?,” I couldn’t help but think of this guy:

I like the “arc” shape with the line following through from handle to blade.

That was who I was thinking too and I have co-workers that also use this phrase…LoL

BORAT from Kazakhstan!!!

Today was the Benchmade Mike Snody Gravitator.

Some designs, are just that, designs.
And while i approve having a little edge over the monochrome mess we all are engulfed in, then some times the urge to be different bother me a little too, feel like people are trying too hard.

And those thumb studs, i am not too crazy about those.

I also find myself getting annoyed with designs that strain to just be “different” as eye candy, not as a matter of function. I have been seduced and then disappointed. I tend to go more conservative now, although occasionally something catches my eye. This narrows down the pool and thus minimizes excess knife buying!

Blasphemer! There is never excess knife buying, shop less often and buy more knives.

Yeah some of the designs are out there and some are rather good. I also am limiting the eye candy designs and going back to more form and function.

I didn’t actually carry this today, but I do strap it to my belt when I’m at the cabin.

My brother-in-law is trying to start a business as a knife maker, and this is one of his earlier attempts. He also made the sheath. It’s a great knife, but the stuff he makes now is way beyond this.

Spyderco PM2

Looks almost like one of Jason Brous blades.

Boos Blades Smoke CM1, by Will Boos.

Dangit! I might make up what I haven't been spending on lights with that Buck. I like it!! https://knifeinformer.com/buck-marksman-review/

The “Strong Lock” is super fun to fidget with. Just watch your fingers because the blade swings completely free. :smiley:

Thanks again for an expense I don’t need ! lol

It's all scalpel_ninjas' fault! Hahahahaha!

It took a lot less time to get to my favorite knife brand and technology than with flashlights. CRKT flippers with LAWKS are my EDCs. I need to take a family picture!

I’m an ooold Gerber man a Benchmade mini barrage carrier and when I got medicalled out I had carried a Gerber bolt action for over twenty years. Got a Gerber Paul that has never even cut my thumb. Looks like I’ll be widening out in ways other than my waist as well as shrinking my wallet lol