What did you mod today?

Got the head of a Fenix PD40R opened. Planning to drop in a high CRI XHP 50.3 HI tonight. Hopefully the domeless emitter will play nice with the smooth reflector.


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Grats on opening that Fenix.

In my experience, Fenix lights use TONS of red threadlocker. They’re incredibly difficult to open because of this.

I have a Fenix FD30 that I’d like to mod, but gave up because I couldn’t figure out how to open it.

2 Thanks

You’re putting the bar high for me; a beamshot I could do, but a CREATIVE beamshort… I will be trying to think of one!

New Nextorch TA20 mod :grimacing:

2 Thanks

Yeah, I don’t know what it is recently, but my last order from AE also came in 11 days!

The beam looks really good crbnfbr!

Thanks, I really don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to beamshots.
The TIR got rid of all the tint shift, so I’m happy with that. Now I just need a more pleasant CCT. This was the first emitter I ordered and reflowed, and I thought 5700K would be nice. Now I prefer a bit warmer, maybe a 400K

edit: the following brilliantly composed post, is totaly offtopic, cause I mistakenly took your reference to 5700K to be about 519a… sorry…

suggest you dedome the 5700K, they become about 4000-4200K

2 Thanks

The 5700 dedomed are gorgeous. I do in Kr4 and I am so happy

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Yesterday I began what was supposed to be a simple anodization bake-off, but it went a little awry. I disassembled a Sofirn C8G last week and washed the parts that were to be baked. Yesterday afternoon I placed them in a metal tray and then in the preheated oven. Knowing nothing would be visibly happening for 20 minutes minimum, I went out to the garage to put some tools away.

After a while, I heard some shrieking and great commotion from next door. My neighbor had a workshop accident turning a large piece of wood. I became absorbed in what help I good provide, waiting for the medics, and whatnot, and completely lost track of the fact my light was baking. I guess we can say it was overdone. However, whereas bread or muffins may end as black carbon the light came out with very light-colored anodization.

For comparison, I placed the C8G side-by-side with a C8F which is the same type of finish the C8G used to be. (it’s a little dusty in the image)

I had intended to pull the light from the oven when it reached a pleasing shade somewhere between chocolate and lighter brown. I was annoyed at first. Actually quite annoyed, but trying to keep things in perspective; it is only a flashlight, not an arm. Today I am feeling not so bad. (and my neighbor still has his arm too, although that will require some work still).

There are 4 separate pieces; bezel, head, tube, and tail-cap. (the light was in separate pieces when in the oven). The bezel is slightly darker than the head and the tube and tail-cap pretty much faded to a matte neutral silver. I’m thinking this may be okay, just very different from my original vision.

So, I will move on to the next steps soon, a new driver, new mcpcb and emitters, plus a piece of wood.

5 Thanks

I know its not what you were going for, but don’t beat yourself up about it. It really is a cool looking host now.

1 Thank

I did it on my C8G with the intent of making it brown like my C8F, but it ended up in a champagne color just like yours, but the bezel ended lighter than the head and tube. I don’t hate it, but brown would be better.

As for the drivers, if you want Anduril, you can use a SC31 pro driver on the C8F, it fits nicely, and removing the USB connector makes the installation easier. Doesn’t fit on the C8G though, it’s too tall. The Convoy Anduril driver would probably fit, but they aren’t available for purchase yet.

TUIG101 Thanks for the info re the SC31 driver and the C8F. I have a C8F host I may think about using it in.

For the C8G I have an Emisar D4V2 boost driver that fits after some sanding down of the diameter. Using that driver does require a lot of material to be removed from the ID of the driver retainer ring though. Photos to follow when I complete it.

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Made my first mule today with a mix of 5000K and 4000K SunLike emitters. I was lucky enough to find a user on Reddit that was willing to share their Gerber files for the mcpcb. I had jlcpcb.com make me 20 of them for $4.80 + shipping. I got the SunLike emitters from DigiKey.com. Currently testing everything in my S21A quad with a Convoy 6V3A boost driver. Eventually, I plan on using an S12 for the final host.

I’m really happy with the CCT and tint, rosy but not too rosy. Unfortunately, I don’t have any white walls only grey, and I still don’t know how to get a decent beamshot.

3 Thanks

Wow, that’s awesome! Great job. I had no idea you could get a small run of custom MCPCBs so affordably. Thanks for the link.

1 Thank

I probably should have mentioned that they’re aluminum not copper that’s why they were so cheap. If I wanted copper I think it was like $70+. I figured why bother with copper when the emitters don’t have a central thermal pad only anode and cathode.

1 Thank

Ah, I see. Good point about not bothering with copper in that situation. I’ll add this to my list of things I want to look into if I only had more time. Thanks.

before, Sofirn SC21 Mini (non Pro), 5000K LH351d:

after: mod to 3000K 219b

30 degree pebbled Tir.

If anybody got a 519a in 2700k I highly recommend dedoming it! It turns into a beautiful rosy almost orange light. If you enjoy warm tints it’s a must!


2 Thanks

Lol, when I did that I discovered my love for warm and rosy only goes so far. I do want to try slicing a 2700k for a less extreme change. But that’s the awesome thing about 519a - so many options! Glad you like it.

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