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I finally repaired the switch cover of my DQG Tiny 26650 (third gen., with 7 leds).

In order to reflow new leds (3500K 90CRI 219C’s) by heating the complete head with a blowtorch (the ledboard is glued) a few months ago I removed the driver and switch cover but was never been able to pry out the retaining ring of the switch cover, so it remained loose and was not waterproof. Now I finally pried the retaining ring out and properly mounted the switch cover back into place.

Since I was focussing on this light anyway, I did a current measurement on low and did a runtime test. Will34 in his review measured 6mA in low, which on a 5000mAh Liitokala battery should give more than a month runtime.
However, I measured over 100mA (with 3.5 lm output) and indeed it depleted the Liitokala in 3 days. Has anyone else checked the low setting of their DQG 26650?