What did you mod today?

Damn! :person_facepalming: Now thatā€™s a Heavy WEIGHT! WOW! :+1:

4040 lumens from the domed U4 1Aā€™s, on 3 freshly charged Efest 35A button tops.

3.47 lbs with all 3 cells in place.

Heavy? About the same as my 1DsMkII body, or the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS lens. Couple those 2 pieces together and add a flash unit with 4 AA cells and brackets, makes the Shocker a keychain light. :wink:

I donā€™t want to take up a lot of room in this thread, but I need a few thoughts on this matter.
Iā€™ve been thinking about building a small 7 LED (Luxeon Rebel) light with a single 18650.
Is this asking too much from a single cell? What kind of runtime would this thing have?

Well, I canā€™t say that today was successful moding day.
Since this new fet drivers are quite expensive I returned to our old well proven solution = add more AMC chips to NANJG 105C driver but after adding 3 of them (so 11 in total) I was not even above 3A and it should have been close to 4A, and my soldering was just fine, donā€™t have a clue what happened but I am not happy :expressionless:
Time for bedā€¦

Bored out the battery tube on my Sunwayman V11R for 18350.

OOPS! Went through the side of the tube at one of the two inset grooves. My technique with a grinding bit and hand drill needs work. Fixed the error by gluing a piece of bare aluminum into each of the grooves.

Not quite what I intended, but it still looks ok and now works with an 18350.

Any pics ?

I want to reflow 3 XML2 NW on a SRK board
just putting t on the stove and the LBs came off leaving a nice thin layer of solder.
So I hope to be able to use that.
BUT i cannot find anywhere what side t the leds are + and -
There is a little dot in a corner so I think that is the mark and positive (pacing that edge to the + side) feels logical.
BUT is it?

I always just go by the bond wires, theyā€™re positive. Easy to see em in thereā€¦. there are a few emitters this doesnā€™t work and the datasheet is necessary, like the XP-G3 and Nichia 219C, MT-G2, and XHP series.

ah thanks!

And the bond wires arenā€™t always the same sideā€¦ One of them is opposite from the rest, XP-L maybe? When Iā€™m in doubt, I just google a picture of whatever emitter it is and look which way the bond wires are pointed in the picture.

edit: I just checked: first gen emitters (XP-G, XM-L, XP-E) the bond wires are negative. 2nd gen (XP-G2, XP-E2, XM-L2, XP-L) the bond wires are positive. That was where I got it mixed up. But I still never remember that, I almost always have to google a picture to remind me. :face_with_monocle:

But these days itā€™s hard enough to get a 1st generation 2nd generation emitter! :stuck_out_tongue: (back when theyā€™d do the amps)

Checking datasheets is always a good idea, kind of in the measure twice cut once theme.

Diode tester on any DMM will light the emitter when in the right polarity also :slight_smile:

Today it was a productive dayā€¦

Blf X5 , quad xp-g3 s4 3a

Blf X6 , triple xpl hi v2 1a

I had only cute-3 medium optics available , so i used them , and probably i will switch later .
And a group photo :

Whatā€™d you do to that Noctigon?

I had to grind it a little to fit , but i did it a little more , so my DMM showed continuity between the copper and the negative ā€¦.
And guess what , i couldnā€™t find the spot there was a short, it was the last piece of trace i cut .
Long story short , it was my last xp32 board ā€¦. But it has enough traces to handle 5A per emitter .

giorgo, for future reference, if you drill the center hole first you can then mount it on a bolt and spin it in a drill to file it down to fit, cleaner work, truer circle. Then with a file or a piece of sandpaper you can put a bevel on the top edge to separate the trace and masking from the ground underneath, doesnā€™t take much of a bevel for the angle to get separation and avoid a short. I use the scissors tip to cut this bevel on the edge of the center hole, for separation and to ensure the wire insulation isnā€™t cut.

Nice work, great lights huh? :smiley: I really love the triple X6, an all time favorite of mine.

X6 is awesome , a lot of lumens and great runtimes without the feel your hand will catch fire , but i should get the cute-s optics asap .

X5 puts a ton of light out there for its size , and quite tricky the tint of the xp-g3 . Itā€™s cooler in the middle !

I have been collecting the different pieces to mod them over 2 months , and finally they are almost ready .

A lot of people helped me , including you Dale , with your detailed answers. Thanks

After some dirty soldering DONE
NICE tinted SRK wth smart UI (long press high, short press moon)
it just started to flcker on high after a while, hmm seems like I need to open it up again

"Totally out of Kester solder paste, and Arctic Alumina Thermal Adhesive as well. So I used the old MG paste and the stars are being permanently affixed with JB Weld as I type this."

Are you sure you want to do this? I don't think it is a good idea for future modding/repairs? Maybe you better wait until you can order some more paste.