What did you order today? (Add: product name, link and price. Optional info: picture and reason for buying)

I need to stop ordering a bunch of flashlights! It is random that all of these are small Sun. Wanted a cheap thrower, and more triple AA lights for modifying projects…

Small Sun ZY T13 , 18,29$
Only 43 hours left and price will go back to normal.

(picture links to manafont did not work, but here are the products)
Small Sun - ZY-B4 8$
SMALL SUN ZY-123 8,75$

Ordered a black sky ray king Neutral from fancyflashlights because i just returned the underpowered clone i got from Fast tech. And some XPG centring chips

$66.00 with delivery and tracking to Canada.


Considering the one Radio Shack is selling is only a Sandisk Class2 card, I’d say the Samsung Class 6 card for only $3 more is a way better deal. Nice buy, Glenn! Great deal on the HDD as well. Still cannot believe you can buy 2TB for less than $90 these days. Remember the days when a 4MB stick of PNY RAM cost $200? LOL!


Thanks Johnny. I love your new avatar!! Is that you?

Yes, sir, it is. Hopefully your monitor is still in one piece. :bigsmile:

now we know what Johnny, Jack, Garry, Glenn, milfz, Don, Ted, fishinfool, Manny look like, interesting!

hehe :davie:

I ordered 2 more Glock floor plates with the Punisher on them and a different grip plug.

Johnny, smoke just started coming out of the back of my monitor!! Damn!

Jk! I have to say you are one handsome devil my friend. Seriously, it nice to know what you guys look like. I wish everybody posted their real pictures

Nice! I wish I had a hand gun

Thanks Glenn.

I just ordered a Convoy C8 Cree XM-L U2-1B 2-Group 3/5-Mode LED Flashlight from FastTech


Nice, tell us how it is when you get it. :slight_smile:
Also, as a favor to Fasttech and everybody. Give them the right measurements. I assume they messed up with the numbers…

Rick, love your new avatar. Let us know how you like that new Convoy

An OEM/Surefire Z59 forward clicky tail cap for my 1996/7 circa 9P. I’ll still keep the original twist cap; it has Laser Products on it. Forward clickies are my favorite switches. Not a fan of twisties…

Thanks Glenn :wink: , I’ll let you guys know what I think of the Convoy C8.

I am done buying flashlight that will get built or modified now for some time now… I think and hope… :stuck_out_tongue: (okay, maybe 1 or 2 more I have been looking at)
I have gone crazy on the buy button lately! Still need more drivers and emitters, but no rush. I have some stuff laying around and some other stuff on the way… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ordered today and yesterday!
T10 host, 23,80$

  • a cheap charger to 5,8$.
    I have heard good things about it, and need a decent and cheap charger to sell with flashlights.

Various stuff from Fasttech that will to into flashlights:
17mm 2-mode driver 1,81$
East 092 driver 3,07$
3x XM-L T5-5C – 16mm 6,46$
3x XM-L T4-7C – 16mm 4,76$
Eneloop XX 4xAA 2400mah 16,33$

From Fancyflashlights/cnqualitygoods I just ordered:
D4 host 10$

N-Light XT-50 12$

OEM D4 13,5 + shipping

5 pack XM-L TIR 10 degree tir optics with holder 3$

I know D4 and OEM D4 is available at good prices from Fasttech (X-power and Convoy M1, but I dont the prebuilt lights with logo. D4 is also cheaper to build by yourself and not available with a warmer tint. OEM D4 is a bit more expensive to buy as a host.
Cant wait to compare OEM D4 vs T10 host! :slight_smile:

One of these beauties. UltraFire 270-T60 from fasttech. $22.98
Stainless 18650 3 Mode XM-L T6 .
Reminds me of nice custom jobs like MRsDNF’s creations.
Should be a good hand warmer:

Thanks Suncoaster. Its my most used light while I've been away on holidays. I hope you get a good light.

Trustfire AK 47 set (with 3 TF 26650, tr-006 charger). Price @ $109.25/- (Will be sent to me using EMS)


Trustfire x100 set (with 4 TF 26650,tr-006 charger, bag, belt). Price @ $95/- {have it EMSed to me @ total price bout $119/-}


As my J18 & my workhorse 3T6 is molested by several pair of hands; its always dirty & batt low when they come back to me, so….

Maybe few days later getting something else again…Need 2 more piece.