What flashlights are used in the army, police and special forces around the world?

I consider no Chinese brand to have a functional warranty. If they honour it thats a bonus.
I plan my purchases accordingly, i don’t drop big bucks becasue if i lose $30 that sucks, if i lose $300 i am very pissed off.

Same with reliability, i assume its unreliable because i have been burned by depending on products that fail to live up to reasonable durability. If i need a light in a mission critical situation i carry two lights. I keep 5 lights in the car full time and often have the cell phone and another light on me.

The fire dept I’m in uses streamlight. The reason is because they cut us a deal.

Isn't the new standard issue for armed forces and police forces world wide the new "TRUSTMEIWILLFIRE" range..?

Disclaimer: joke

The only contract Surefire has is with the federal goverment.
Whatever is not federal government can use whatever they please.

They must have deals of some sort with some retailers/suppliers as well as many of those have deep discounts for LEO/military. Something similar at the department/agency level as well for bulk purchases I would assume too - so not an official supply contract to fulfill but an arrangement on pricing.

The LEO here mainly use Streamlite. They had used Magchargers almost exclusively for years, and there are some still around, but mostly switched to the lighter and smaller Stingers and Strion. Now mostly have switched to LED Stinger and Strion and Mags. It’s basically down to whichever company can strike a better deal based on department requirements. SureFire is a good brand, but way overpriced.

You can say that again


OR ANYTHING THAT SAYS ... Police on it

I got one of those for a penny and thats about what it was worth!

In Canada we have Police brand flashlights sold at Walmart and a few other places, they appear to be okay but its just a no name Chinese brand marketing ploy. I have never bought one but they have may different battery and lumen combinations, dozens if not hundreds. None hold a candle to Convoy or similar.

My buddy deals Olight gun lights to several New Jersey agencies. Maybe not for too much longer since Olight changed their mind about a 150 piece order

That can be used as a weapon in the right hands.

The trouble is finding the right hands. :laughing: :open_mouth:

Many people make up their own kits; depending on length and location.
IF, I were in a special ops group; here’s what I would carry.
The rabbits claim IPX68 with other features! ! ; you can find claimed specs on Amazon, 2aaa, 2aa lites. At least 4 bats of each.

You might want to reconsider that statement.

So what you pay for is more than just the flashlight. You pay for reliable, thorough warranty service for the useful life of the light. I have several Surefire flashlights. They are truly the most solid feeling flashlights I’ve ever owned. Everything is machined with a negligible margin of error. You’re not buying a Surefire for the latest emitter to date. It’s all about rock-solid performance & reliability. This is why they have a lifetime warranty. You’ll very seldom ever use it. And they make wear prone parts like switches for their lights even for a time after the model has been discontinued. I once had a slightly flaky switch on my newly bought U2. I contacted Surefire. They simply sent me a replacement, free of charge. Excellent service. (btw, the switch had somehow gotten a tiny bit of debris inside it. Took it apart, reassembled… totally functional, so I ended up with a spare switch).