What 'good' 26650's??

I have a large drawer & 2 small cupboards jammed full of cells, flashlights, headlamps, chargers & bits & pieces to do with this addiction (DMM”s, calipers, assorted lengths of wire, magnets, soldering station etc).
I do not have a problem :laughing:
I am at present researching into buying a 4th DMM as I really need another one :person_facepalming:
I could probably do with some more Liitokala 26650”s as well :wink:

Yep, I can relate……… :person_facepalming:
If we lived on the same continent, maybe we could get a “Budget” rate for ‘professional help’….
should we both ever decide we really ’need’ it of course…… :smiley:

You can never have to much rarely used stuff in a drawer or cupboard can you ?
I am sure there is a reason I bought 6 identical cheap Chinese 26650 zoomies, I just can”t think of it at the moment :person_facepalming:
It was probably the same reason that I have bought 9 identical fishing reels :open_mouth:
I do not have a problem :stuck_out_tongue:

Fishing reels??? You too…. :person_facepalming:
At least I know I am not alone……… :wink:
Oh, and don’t forget the rods & tackle.
And if you happen to fly fish also, remember the “search for the perfect ’everything’ ”………….
Did I mention knives, you don’t even want to know on that one…. mostly Benchmade & Customs. (and neither of those are cheap… thank goodness I had friend who was a Benchmade Dealer for years so at least I am in those as right as I could be)
I don’t really want to know either, if I added it up I would probably have a stroke…. literally. :person_facepalming:

But do I really have a ‘problem’ Naah, surely not. :person_facepalming:

:money_mouth_face: :person_facepalming: :money_mouth_face:

Oh yeah, nope you can never have to much unused stuff no matter where it is. It is a rule you must have multiples “in stock” isn’t it??

IF it is true that he who dies with the most toys wins……… I have already won. :person_facepalming: