What is the most heavily used item you purchased because of BLF?

Soldering iron.

BLF Manker A6. All day, every day, multiple times per day. I show it off to everyone I can and use it at work religiously.

Miller ML-102 charger/power-bank, and/or the Sanyo UR18650FMs out of the Thinkpad batteries I bought from somebody here.

Yep, same. The only thing could compete on my desk is my mini-vise. Both my iron and mini-vise have been used on every single flashlight project, as well as many other projects around my house. It’s the boring answer, but between the two of them they get used way way more than any single flashlight I own.

Convoy S2+, Xtar VP2, Technoline BC700 charger. These sure have some heavy uses….

On second thought, wallet. Used to buy soldering iron.

BLF Special Edition Manker A6

You bought your wallet because of BLF?

that’s some dedication

I bought my wallet because of (BLF member) EDC.

But I use my EDC (Manker A6) more than my wallet. :p

Xaiozhi nichia 219A… or a s2 nw 5c

Wore it out and had to buy a new one

Tank 007 E09 most because I do work with it and it’s EDC/first grab. Convoy C8 otherwise (though my BLF A6 is fighting hard for it’s spot).


At this stage of the disease, it has got to be the BLF A6 Special Edition.

Love the 3D tint and the UI.

My laptop,

Used to buy all of the flashlights on BLF :wink:

I’ll have to say my Convoy C8 flashlights with various emitters and tints. I or the wife use them constantly. I bought the wife her own red Convoy S2+ but she still likes to use my C8 flashlights.

That has been my best purchase after joining the site, second best was an original BLF X6.

The ones which get used the most are my Reylight Ti shorty with triple Nichia, keychain light (DQG tiny AAA or Cooyoo Quantum SS), necklace light (DQG Fairy), headlamp (ZL H52Fw), bedroom night light (ZL SC52), BLF X6v2 prototype, and whatever I feel like rotating in on a daily basis. Oh, and some L3 L10-219s. Those never get old.

And the flashing tools and soldering tools and misc other modding tools.

This is totally not a practical interest; I do it for my own entertainment.

1) Soldering iron, always had one but bought a new one because of BLF. use it at least weekly.

2) Before I found BLF I never had a flashlight and when it got dark I just went to sleep. haha. Now I rotate through my solarforce lights, but I typically use my L2M most often. self-built XPL V6 dropin at 3.1A, orange peel reflector.

It used to be one of many SK68’s laying around.
These days, it’s definitely the Nitecore EA11 with a 14500 battery.
I carry it most days, as does the wife with her EA11. Gotta love the size/output/flexibility.

Use the red light when checking on the kids at night, or sleeping hotpital patients at night.
Use it when checking pupil reaction on patients. And when fixing my own or one of the damn computers at work.
Use it out in the garden at night.
Use it… for pretty much everything.

OPUS charger.