What is the smallest Tail clicky flashlight you know of for cheap?

Looking for a a super small Tail clicky flashlight for cheap. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Probably Tank007 TK703 Or some other flashlight, DX has a huge list of all these various lights. But you can get them on other shops, probably cheaper.

Ultrafire A3? You need a toothpick to use the tail clicky.


The tail cap is about 14mm diameter and the clicky boot is about 7mm.

Has anyone every ordered from Fasttech.com? Is their shipping pretty quick? How is their customer service?

Fasttech is the top vendor on BLF right now, hands down. Take a quick look around and you’ll see many positive posts :wink:
Welcome to BLF, ChadSchu!

Thanks for the response and warm welcome. I can tell I will be sticking around this forum for a long time. :slight_smile:


That is one sexy looking light! Thanks for the link!

I have one of those. Wicked light !
It’s so amazingly bright for it’s size.
It packs as much wow for it’s size as a C8 or SRK.

Something’s wrong with mine, it won’t switch off.
It’s possessed.
I never use it because it scares me…

Nice. I like the metal clicky.
Similar to the Trustfire F23 which has a rubber boot.

Coast has a 4 x LR44 with a tail clicky.

CQG S1 is much thinner and weighs much much less .. The tfF23 is really pretty heavy ..way to heavy for a keychain .