What should the next Foursevens QK16L UI look like? GAW winner raccoon city

Ahahah, hadn’t notice it :partying_face: Thanks for noticing it :blush:
Great! So…this means that until the end of the year…I will start another GAW! Hopefully not as long as the last one :stuck_out_tongue:

pic link

Appologies for my delay. There were 44 votes and 28 who entered the GAW

Congratulations raccoon city !

PM inbound

Congrats RC :wink:
And thanks for the GAW, Got Lumens!
BTW, any clue/decision about the future UI? :wink:

I'll ask for the answer.

Congratulations raccoon city :partying_face:
Thank you Got Lumens and Foursevens.

The UI is still in testing phase.

Thank you for the answer and for looking at it :wink:
I’ll be looking for when it is out :wink:

Congratulations raccoon city!
Also thanks to GL and Foursevens.

Congratulations raccoon city :)
And thanks for the givaway

Thanks for the giveaway, Got Lumens and Foursevens!

And thanks for the congrats, everyone!

I received the flashlight yesterday.

It works great!

Thanks again.