What tint do you like your leds?

I have been getting used to 3C and Nichia 219 looks pretty nice also…

The nicest for woodland where i live is a 4500k from farnell. Compared to daylight it looks slightly pink but not in use at all , a really nice neutral imo unfortunately extremely expensive at $14.62 plus postage for the bare led. 3c is my second choice, bright and pleasant natural tint. Some seem a little green tinged at low current but ok above about 1A. Sorry but i cant go back to ‘blue’!. Feilox, a lot of the time are trusting what sellers tell you unless you’ve got some fancy equipment i suppose., but i found by zooming in on a cree colour chart and turning screen brightness right up the light pretty much matched the led tint. Obviously that depends on the monitors ability to produce the correct colours but it works for me.

I just got a chance to check out the XPG2 3D tint. It’s my new favorite tint. It’s got a nice red hue to it, and in brighter modes it’s nice and white. It’s my new favorite tint. So much so, that I ordered two leds in this bin to get modded in two of my lights.

It’s awesome, check it out!

I see CNQG is now selling a 3B tint XML T6. I’m already lovin the 3C tint and this looks to be slightly cooler on the tint scale.
Anybody have this tint that can comment on it. think I’m gonna order one.

Im with you AlexGT my favorite as of this moment is 2B in the XPG2. I have used 1C, 3D, and 4C along with a Nichia219 before . 1C is ok probably my second favorite with nichia219 and 4C next then last is 3D, it is to rosey/organgey to me.


3B 3C

My favorite tent is 36DD J)

Everything is bigger in Texas!!! How bout some DDD or some DOUBLE F’s .

3C for all purposes

Best answer!

Does anyone know what tint Foursevens used in their XM-L neutrals?
I’m trying to classify all my neutral lights.
Their XP-G high CRI has me stumped too.

I dont mind the tint, tint really makes no difference to me. As long as its not noticeably colored. The only things that concern me are PWM and brightness.

Foursevens use to (2 to 3 years ago) mention the tint they use for their lights when they do their special edition neutral/warm runs, but back then, the factory could actually use up to three different tints on a run, but they were of the same colour temp (ie. within the 4500k colour temp range, your tint options could have been 4A, 4B or 4C). Even a warm white MiNi I got from them, they mentioned that it might be a 7A3 or 7B4 tint. It’s a lottery with them.

As for your XP-G high CRI. They prefer the XP-G high CRI to be within the 3000k (ie. warm white) colour temp range. If I would guess tint, I would have to guess 7A3 as the MiNi I’ve got (even though it’s not high CRI) is similar to my Linger Special drop-in which is an XP-G high CRI 7A3 tint.

Thanks again Rod. I’m really getting myself hyped up about tints. I’m even thinking about getting a color spectrum chart to test them on.

part of the problem is the emitter ..

I think one of the worst emitters is this damn xml ..It has holes in it , dark spots , coronas ,tint shift, they have halos and 2 or three different colors emanating from the center ..

If you want to talk about tints think you need to thinking xpg ..

or a nichia .

I'm looking forward to trying the xpg 2 and xpe 2 emitters I just recieved .

I think xml's just suck as far as tint

Binning is also obviously a problem ..It seems like it's not an exact science (too much variance in each bin) or possibly dealers are clueless or intentionally lying about bins.

My favorite tint range is 4000-4500.

6500 to 5700

Lately I’m really digging the 4C.

I’ve just fit a 4c xp-g, and I have to say…I’m really really happy with it, I get tints now, I’ve got a few more tints different to 1c/3c on the way, but I do see future builds being neutral, even if I’ve not yet settled on a favorite.

As an aside, I’m loving the throw of an xp-g over xm-l, so I see a few xp-g/xp-g2 builds in my future, plus I have about 10 xm-l lights and the novelty is starting to wear off with them.

I’m now looking at lights as pure hosts, usable on arrival, but not “finished”.

I also have an xp-g2 in 3d and it is a beautiful tint but for throwers and most lights it’s straight up 1A for me.