What to get, TrustFire TR-J12, UltraFire UF-T70 or DRY?

Something doesnt look right in those pictures. The second one especially the sky in the background looks a complete different shade of blue. When you mouse over the second picture its like the two have completely different looking camera settings.

The EXIF data on both pictures indicate that they have the same settings taken within a minute or two from each other. It does not indicate the white balance settings though so maybe that was set to auto?

gearjunkie is right. They were taken with the same settings and I left the WB to "Auto", BUT that's what I usually do. AND it doesn't matter since I'm shooting in raw format (NEF) => WB can be set in post processing without any loss of data.

There are at least two reasons for the sky to look different:
1) Other photo is taken a bit later (only 1.5min, but it matters when the sun is going down)
2) The traffic on the nearby highway (car headlights show to the sky when they drive over the hill)

Please note that neither of these affect to the light falling down to the house / river, as can be seen when comparing other parts of the photos.

Here's the comparison to the control photo. Note how the small patch lit by the street lights (to the right of the house) doesn't change it's brightness at all, even the right part of the sky is significantly different. (Mouse over for control)

Granted, it's more complicated than this. But how is this not a good rough-and-ready way to estimate?

Does it have a low battery indicator?

And are they all gold in color?

It reminda me of the Nitecore.


Please post a link to the model of the dry you have.


Is this the correct driver?

9A * 3.7V = 33.3 Input Watts

Driver efficiency = 85% (Rough but reasonable guess) = 28.3 Emitter Watts

28.3W / ( 3.2V * 3 emitters ) = 2.948 Amps per Emitter
28.3W / ( 3.5V * 3 emitters ) = 2.695 Amps per Emitter


Oh, crap… I was searching for something and didn’t realize how old this thread was when I just responded. Sorry everyone for digging up dead horses…
