What was your first and last "real" flashlight purchase?

First mini maglight
Last Zebralight SC64c LE

1st LED light, 2009 Fenix P3D CE olive green.

What I consider my first Real light is 2009 Fenix TK11 R2. (which I still own)

Most recent (certainly not my last), today - Convoy S21E 519A 5000k.

The first normal flashlight was Tank 007 tk566, I think it was bought in 2010. Well, the newest Skilhunt m150. It is interesting that both are on 14500 / AA, although I have very few flashlights in this format.

Jetbeam PA40

latest - sofirn sc21 pro
because anduril[like], very tiny small size[like], $21 on sale[cheap enough], and can use CR123A [ i have dozens of them and no good place to use them]

supposed to be arriving today!

like it

at first i was annoyed b/c i thought it would have anduril 2 - it doesn;t - only 1
but that is ok too b/c now i don;t have to learn new tricks, already have a light w anduril 1 - FW3A


My first real flashlight purchase was a multi-function wurkkso wk30
My last real flashlight purchase was a sofirn Q8, real like this.

My “last” purchase (for July 2022!), Astrolux EC06, came in yesterday.

Cannot use button-top 21700 cells. Using the regular Astrolux or Wurkkos 21700 flat-top cells is OK. Very, very bright.

Don’t want to invest in three expensive Samsung T30 or T40 21700 cells just yet.

First “real” flashlight (attempt to buy a powerful flashlight) was a Led Lenser P7 around 10 years ago.

I just got into flashlights. In a short time I bought Sofirn SC21, SC21 pro, D25S, Convoy S2 (2700k), SP36 BLF and Wurkkos ts10.

My first real flashlight was actually free from Radio Shack.

First - 4D Maglite in black, in 1996-ish
Last - 650 lumen 3D Stanley LED, funnily enough very Maglite-looking.

First - BLF Q8
Last - Acebeam Pokelit AA

First, Maglight 6D, purchased in the late 80’s. Still have it.
Last, Emisar D4V2 with 519a 4500k domed.