What you got today

Ahah, been there, done that too :smiley: I used a piece of rubber around the finger to press the thick wire against the cell negative, otherwise it would buuurn!! I still felt some heat :smiling_imp:

Some testing?
Well, so far:

- Convoy S6 triple w/ 4xLuxeon V 4000K + FET driver with Bistro HD OTSM (from Lexel, springs bypassed) + Sony VTC6 = 21.50A

:smiley: So far, so good :smiley:

To make the measurement I went to a local store and bought a 4mm multiwire copper cable, being the inner β€œwires”/strands thicker than AWG cables. I cut it short, to avoid resistance and bent it to help on measurements. :wink: