What you got today

got my P2A from DD. all threads (head, tail) are square-cut wtf, the complete switch is totally different from P1A's wtf (rubber boot, clicky, spring, PCB, etc) and better i would say, the head (driver disc, etc) looks very different from P1A's too. the tail (aluminum, dimensions) is longer too, knurling is different.

points of criticism:

- lego-ability lost due to square-cut threads, argh!!

- the light definitely cannot tailstand, although the rubber boot has no play; it's the switch's fault! too much protruding. ( i will *try* to swap the switches and see .. )

EDIT: swapping of switches isnt possible for the P2A (it is possible for the P1A). the P2A can tailstand with a 47's Regular Quark rubber boot cover.

- there is loud battery rattle (2x Eneloop AA). wtf

- the tint on my sample is greenish on Hi. in comparison, the P1A looks pure white (although it's minimally greenish too!). the tint is really greenish on Lo. looks like i have lost the tint lottery here!

- P1A on 14500 is much brighter than P2A with 2x Eneloops. Quark X AA² is much brighter than P2A too (no wonder, because the Quark is XML). i am disappointed about the "low" brightness (rated 245lm; the BA20 is rated 270lm afaik) because 1x14500 is indeed brighter than this!!

no further complaints from my part. i paid 12.40€ for the P2A (would have cost 43.40€ from local sellers lmao), so i am not gonna complain any further. I do like the improved built quality (square cut threads, new tail, complete new switch) but i dont appreciate the fact that i cant swap heads (or tails) because that was the main reason to buy it. i am wondering now if the P1A was recently improved too. Depends on the serial number i guess!!