What you got today

My led bulbs for the truck came in the mail today. I can't wait to get them on the truck tonight.

These are not the 6-7.5W rated ones. These are all rated at 11W and should be alot brighter. They look like they are fitted with XMLs in there! For $11-12 a pop I wouldn't expect anything less.

I've tried experimented with the cheaper SMD type bulbs but was quite disappointed. Then I tried these but rated at 7.5W. I was impressed with them and then ordered the 11W ones. They should be the same or brighter than the stock bulbs. I'll be bring out the lux meter just to be sure. Tongue Out

Please, do tell.

The camo twisty thing with colour filters from Banggood (have one on the way)
Balder SE-1 (have one on the way)
I don’t recognize the dive light, or what looks like a dive light. It doesn’t have the thick lens though…

Tell us more of the camo twisty light! I have one on the way and am curious!

relic38 got 1/3 right. Maybe this photo will help to identify the others:

My first impressions of that camo twisty light can be read here.

Big one's easy, TrustFire X2.

...and now another fun one..

I'm being forced into replacing my phone through Verizon since I'm still on an old Alltel device. I worked for a while on the phone with the Verizon rep, got the details worked out, and then this morning found an email saying I needed to approve the order. I get online to enter the approval and found that somehow, the order was for TEN phones and not just one...


(I didn't approve that order...)

10 for the price of one?

HS1010A Light Meter from GameSalor.com ($11.50)

Ahh... no. 10 for the price of 10. I wasn't interested in their generous offer.

Got two AA-to-C spacers from ebatteryoutlet…crushed in the mail! But, I taped up and got a partial refund. Now, my 2 C Mag is running Eneloops with the original LED drop-in and pumping out at least 80-something lumens. I’m surprised.

I have not heard very pleasant things about LED-car bulbs but please keep us posted, if they work.
I still think, these can mess up the beam pattern pretty badly…

Looks like XP-E to me

Looks like to me to... no XM-L sadly...

I picked up one of these too. Mine seems OK, but sometimes when I press the range or max button it turns off. Maybe a bad connection somewhere.
I’m not sure how accurate it is, but my measurements are mostly matching those of others (Tom E’s XM-L2 HD2010 mod for example).
How is this meter working out for you?

Just been trying to learn to use it and there are some random turn offs. But most of the time seems to work okay. Definitely worth the price.

A bunch of 18650s from FT.

Must pop in to the office tomorrow and pick them up.

And I got a $500 vet bill for Swampy’s undescended testicle getting removed - and the other one. The methadone is clearly wearing off which is a pity since he has a large abdominal surgical wound - they had to go hunting for the undescended testicle. Hopefully the promazine they supplied will keep him calm for the next few days.

Here he is looking dejected with the cone of wound protection on. The white stuff on his nose is his favourite treat, chicken and rice cooked for three hours.

Hi Don. I feel sorry for your poor puppy.Cry

Yes you're right. I had to take a magnifying glass to it. Eyes are not what the used to be.

Tonight I had to take 2 of the 4 brake lights out as they were too bright. My red parking lights looked as bright as someone breaks lights.

As for the comment about beam profile, I have to agree with CheapThrills. You are putting a Led into a lense designed for incandescent bulbs. The ones I have however don't look that bad. You can however still make out hotspots.

Overall I'm still undecided about how I feel about them. I have to say I'm quite pleased about how bright they are. I may take the 11w ones out and replace them with the 7.5w ones.

I'll do a short review with lots of pics in the next few weeks. You can decide if they are a worthy upgrade or a bad idea.

Got the first part for my computer volume control. I ordered an Alps Blue Velvet 50k ohm pot, circuit board, RCA gold plated input/output jacks, and a Schiit Audio Modi DAC. Should improve the sound quality over driving my power amp directly from my on-board sound card.

The knob I might be using. I have others I'll consider using..

Parts still on order