What you got today

What pen is it, how much and from where? Aaaaand is it available in black?

It’s a Smith and Wesson. I paid $25 for it with 2 day shipping from Amazon Prime. I believe it does come in black. I have two other very similar pens in black as well, but this one just looked cool in blue so I got the blue one. It’s a little bigger, too.

Wow, looks awesome! Sucks it can only do a maximum 1amp per channel, especially for those king kong 26650’s :slight_smile:

-Jamie M.

BLF is also your family and we understand you even better :stuck_out_tongue:

manxbuggy1 and his brother decided I needed another light. Who am I to say no. To top it of its been Vinh modified. Doesn't get better than that. Thanks guys, very generous, unasked for light.


What modifications did Vinh make?

Effectively and professionally shortened the battery life and increased working temperature :stuck_out_tongue:

Upgraded the led and a slight increase in current.

The Victorinox Cadet finally got here behind the rest, and I really like it. Here’s my Vic collection so far.

Another one of the new tactical pen with its friends.

Got my CQG Bullet Shell 16340 with BLF engraved on it

  • courtesy of holiday giveaway from CNQG :wink:

Just ordered my folding knife _


It's been a long time since I posted anything in this thread. Although I didn't get these today, I've gotten them in the past month.

Fenix TK75 (2900 Lumen), Sunwayman C10R, and a Tank007 E09 (my latest EDC)

Nice stuff, Glenn! :slight_smile:

Thanks Johnny! It's been a while since we've spoken. I hope all is well with you :)

How is the Tank007 E09 and where did you buy it? I was just looking Tank007 lights last 2 days trying to decide if I should buy one (and which one), M30-C kinda looks nice!

It's a decent 3 mode EDC for under $13 with the BLF discount code from fasttech. Yeah I know, I swore I wouldn't buy anything from them again, but I got weak and did. Happy to say I received my order within 10 days.


Today I got this:


$0,01 promo, shipped Dec 26. I’m disappointed. Works ok but it’s the crappiest version I have, the ones from ebay were much better.

Thanks for the info, good price and pretty high ratings too, I might just give it a go :smiley:

My shipment of DrJones drivers arrived today! :bigsmile:

Now I can begin modding my Sunwayman C20C! The plan is to make the following mods:

  1. Apply Zener diode kit to Nangj 105c with Lumodrv.
  2. Replace stock driver with new driver. Wire switch up to new driver.
  3. Driver compartment appears to be 18mm…. too small for 20mm MTG2 star. Remove MTG2 from Noctigon and attempt to file down edges so it fits. If that doesn’t work, will bore out inside of the driver compartment.
  4. File down inside of the reflector 1mm to allow MTG2 emitter to fit.

You can’t go wrong on these. Ex member Kreisler had a great review on them. It was a hugely comprehensive review and I enjoyed reading it. Sold me on getting one and I am not dissapointed for the price!

and a somewhat mixed review from Jacky…