What you got today

%^&$#N DECAF ! ? ! That would be unforgivable.

I’m interested in the beans, the decent beans here will cost me $15-$20 per 250gram. So, a group buy would be nice. :bigsmile:

Got this today…well not me…my wife for my son who will be playing the Coronet in Jr. High

What is the purpose of Decaf? GB for real coffee please.

Got some more solarforce lego :slight_smile: this is addictive stuff…
L2M, shorty, for bike light, it is gonna get a L2T head (allready have that somewhere)
Spare l2P tube (this time it is labled and had sn, previous i got was a blank), to be used with leftover parts, and maybe the extender from the l2m to use 2xAA with it.
Stainless clip for my grey L2N , to make it a gentlemans light…(got nice B6 bezel for it too)

It sure is addictive, I even have Solarforce hosts with consecutive S/N’s Lost count of how many I could build out of all the parts, 9 or 10 I think but I’m always looking for more pieces. Bought the Lantern top and tail as well excellent build quality and very well designed.

I dont currently own any solarforce’s but I have before, their ano is always perfect. Great more lights I dont need but want, thanks guys.

Is there any way to use either one or two 18500’s in a solarforce host (without a spacer, having them fit correctly)?

Maybe, l2m with in stead of the extender wich comes with it and makes it an 1x18650 use a full size 18650 extender on it. (That shoud make it a3x cr123a)
That would make it big enough for 2 18500…. Might have to use only a magnet to overcome some extra space inside.

AOC 27” monitor for my PC, the old one died. New blades for my mower, the parts to tune up my truck, Screen protector for my ipad air, a run to the dump, a yard of gravel, and the wife bitching about doing dishes. That”s my day. :money_mouth_face:

I got one of those series 18650 holders for 2 cells. Ordered from fleabay on the 22 of may, arrived 6th of June. Best 99 cents ever spent. And I wonder how the hell can this guy ship a cheap product so damn fast and other with fancy flashlights and chargers (you know who you are) are dragging their asses.

Ordered 3x i4 chargers… under $40 bucks. Store claimed that they were 2014 version. 8) Will see.

A loud thud inside my front door and the Familiar Heinnie Haynes packing and I knew one of these had arrived.

487g. Drop Point and Spey blade in 440 steel 162mm long.
An hour spent working the blades, lubricating then sharpening them has it a lot smoother opening and closing and very sharp.
I’ll probably never use it, anything that needs a knife that big deserves a locker or a fixed blade. It makes me smile to play with it though so it was a good buy.

I have a somewhat similar knife. Might be a bit bigger, single blade with a simple locking deal (requires a metal piece on the reverse side of the handle to be pressed in in order to close the blade).

Puts a big grin on anyone’s face when they pick it up.

Edit: found a pic online

That would be what’s called a handful of a knife. :slight_smile: The blade is a good 2” longer than my Magnum. :bigsmile:

Does it come with a forklift? :bigsmile:
If not how does one move something like that!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Carefully, very carefully, you do not want that dropping on your foot, open or closed, if my Magnum weighs a pound and a bit that’s got to weigh two pounds.

I hadn’t picked it up in a while so I went ahead and uprooted it from it’s pedestal and weighed it. A beefy 3 and half pounds. :bigsmile:

It’s essentially a two-handed short sword. :smiley:

I found a nice old pairing knife at the Goodwill, lol. Fixed it up with an old mill file to restore the broken tip, a chain saw file to make a choil cut and my DMT extra course diamond lap to put an edge on it. I don’t often find knives worth having at thrift stores anymore. The loss in length from the broken tip is not a disadvantage, as I have trouble finding knives that are small enough for some purposes and often have to hold knives by their blades for close work.

Got an Xtar SP1 from Mountain Electronics. My first purchase from them went perfect. Super fast shipping as well.

Testing it on a Nitecore 14500.