What you got today

Hi Glenn, do You use it during blackouts or such?
Price sounds good… :slight_smile:

Couple days ago, I got myself a PM2.5 air quality sensor.
Not absolutely sure how accurate it is but it sure does smell tobacco, burning wood smoke, fart… earlier than me! :zipper_mouth_face:


The air quality must be pretty good if the device loves having all those air bubbles!


Only for extended blackouts. It’s basically used to keep my refrigerator, heat, and some lights going during power outages. Fortunately, that doesn’t occur too often around here. Last major outage was Hurricane Sandy in 2012. We were out for 2 weeks. Luckily I had an old 3000 watt generator that worked during the outage. I got rid of that one because it developed a seal leak on the flywheel side of the crank. It wasn’t worth fixing. I wasn’t even sure I could get the part since it was an unknown chinese engine with no parts list. The new one has a cloned Honda engine. From what I read, Honda parts will fit.

Which version you bought? M1 or M5

Interesting. The Crafsman Rider I just bought also has the Honda cloned engine. MTD I believe is the manufacturer/distributor for it’s parts. Don’t know if that applies to your generator however.
Just food for thought. :sushi:

I bought this chunk of aluminium profile today (the flashlight is for size reference), 6x6x6cm, 4mm thickness.

I showed it to my girlfriend and she said it was the most boring thing she had ever seen. Is it just me who sees endless wonderful opportunities with it? :heart_eyes:

I buy that stuff to build robots. Cheaper than carbon fibre tube…

Finally got an Astrolux SC, never could get my hands on the X5… Next best thing, now on to building a quad! 219C 4000k with LD3 driver set on 8 amps.

Nice Matt !

I have one aluminum X5 and one copper SC . Both are quads , aluminum is xp-g3 s4 3a & bistro firm fet driver and the copper one has 219C 4000K leds and bistro driver again . I just think they’re 2 of my top lights … :heart_eyes:

I got a little package in the mail today from Mountain Electronics. And I do mean little. At first I didn’t think both parts were in there. My compliments to Richard and company for packing their stuff so well!

I have enough 219C’s but I am a little afraid of melting it’s face off! My 219C triple drew over 18 amps before I de-tuned it.

Extruded aluminium with nice thickness of 4 mm… Hellooooo good looking :wink:

Received my first order from Banggood in 7 days from purchase date.

Lumintop TD16 XP-L Hi (w/3400mah batt) kit.

Mateminco E01 :smiley: a very sweet copper light

BLF X5 xpl-hi 5000k 3B vs E01 xpl HD 4000k 5A

:smiley: Light looks good, perfect fit for my camping

That copper light looks pretty cool charles. :heart_eyes:

Inspired by this thread, I ordered two Lee filter books from a dutch seller. I got them today.

I love it that every filter sample comes with a transmission spectrum!

The Mateminco copper light still looks great, Despite the failed attempt by Neal, I hope that a group buy or coupon will come by again at some point.

I was in my local Microcenter, and found these in a bin near the check outs for $1.99, so I picked another one up:

I love these things. They are really great when working on projects, as the screws, etc. don’t all go wandering off (because this is magnetized)!