What you got today

EagTac D25C Ti

Got my Convoy BD06 what I ordered at M4DM4X great discount. And I don’t remember that earlier BD06 has AR coated glass or bot. But this has AR coated one. And came with factory Biscotti firmware from Banggood. :+1:

Ok ….so someone rang my bell and when I went to see who it was all I saw was the UPS truck driving away. Looking down I saw a box he left me and I was scratching my head when I saw it was from amazon .. Amazon ? what did I order from amazon ????\

Fun to have absolutely no idea what it was….

A BLF member .. has seen fit to be way too nice and sent me some pretty phenomenally sweet lights .

Courui ///Brinyte B158...and a Unique/fire UF-1503

For all you new members who wonder if membership has it's advantages

Thank-you..Thank-you..Thank-you ....

crazy good stuff ...

Finally scored an X5/X6 set. Could not justify the cost at the time of issue.

All parts matching serials, 027 of 400! And they are as attractive as I thought they would be!

Go a new Opus BT-C100 today. The one I purchased about a year ago had a bad USB port, so I ended up setting it on fire because Gearbest was giving me a hard time telling me that 3.8 volts out of the USB port were normal and wouldn’t do anything for me. When I sent them the video of me burning it, they refunded my money. lol! Anyway, I figured I’d give this charger another chance because I really love the design. Happy to say everything seems to be working well so far.

Great charger, i have one for my 16650 cells in work…………used every day, 5 days a week(dont want to use it any more than that!)
The UI is a bit funky, use to it now though. Just have to wait for the charge to stop flashing, then press hold the mode for it to cycle to the 3.7v, release when flashing and press again for the 3.8v setting. Can not tell you how much faffing at 1st………….almost set it on fire :stuck_out_tongue:

47’s clips for TOOL’s

A bunch of Samsung 30Q from Mountain Electronics.

I am getting a TK47 Sunday.

Got yesterday a Convoy S2+ Nichia UV

I got a lathe pulled apart today. It started of as a minor oil leak repair which involved replacing a spindle seal to stop the leak.
I ended up with one wrong seal out of two. I then noticed a belt I replaced about 18 months ago was nearly split through. Pretty poor when the original set and its replacements both lasted over 15 years each.
In the end I decided to strip the whole thing and have the electric motor looked at as it has not sounded well for awhile.
I’m not sure when I’ll get it all back together. Not to long I hope else I’ll forget where it all went.

I used my S2+ UV Nichia for a couple hours with the stock MCPCB and sometimes 20 minutes long
the LED is damaged as I saw today doing beamshots, I did put in Djozz board later, but 700mA are not good
Maybe if you run the light only a short time at a time it does not get damaged

MRsDNF, and we don’t want any left over puzzle parts either. :person_facepalming:

L6 short tube. Now that’s cute and handy.

A new addition to my family :slight_smile:


That image is a little NSFW though lol



:+1: :partying_face: :beer:

And DJ wins the thread.

Congrats Dj :slight_smile:

Congrats, djburkes!