What you got today

Got Nitecore MT22A. Smaller than I thought before.

A week ago I got the Astrolux MF02. I didn’t expect it to be that big and heavy. I always thought my Convoy L6 was big. Definitely not a light to carry around for more than one hour.

Got some samples from Sofirn for examining. One of the most fun packages ever :slight_smile:

Now I need to find some time to have a good look at them and do some tests.

Nice. Can’t wait to see some torture.

Imalent ms12

Some XD16’s. Now just waiting on the host and the VirEnce Mcpcb’s for them.


The wife wished for a full moon tonight. So Amazon sent me one. :slight_smile:

Fireflies ROT66 sst20 cool white

Nice buddy…i wanna get that…

Yahoo D4S!

How many lumens does the pumpkin put out? How’s the throw?

It’s pretty floody. Only good for about 1 lumen, depending on how long the wick is.

The pwm is horrible though.

Oh yeah, about 60Hz I reckon.

Definitely a good light… it take unprotected flat top… aux is cool.