What you got today

Got it today. :wink:

Got some new Nichia E17As from Eurekatronix. 2000K, 3000K, and a mix of 4000/4500K LEDs.

Clemence is awesome reflowing these tiny LEDs onto his custom boards.

Original Lumintop TiTool w 219BT
I Like the MLH mode sequence


I bought a decor floor lamp for my gaming room, the price is higher than others, but it really worth!

Looks very cool, if I was a gamer, I’d love that setup. :sunglasses:

Got a hood intended for my Astrolux MF04S. But the hood (from a seller on Ali Express, not from Astrolux or Matemingo) is much too small.

So I end up using it as a cushion for my new WT90. :+1:

Got my 4Tool L10 LEP flashlight today. There is nothing (yet) on the internet about it so I will discuss some impressions in Chibi’s LEP thread.

Olight Seeker 2

Microtech UTX-85

Two Wurkkos FC12 from BLF group buy :+1: :+1:

Can't argue with the toddler.


That is for president T’s UV light therapy? :person_facepalming:

Thrunite TC20 V2 neutral white. Excellent build quality, great output levels and runtimes, excellent size and weight for the performance, great tint and mix of throw and flood beam, excellent regulation at all levels, and great warranty.

LOL. Unfortunately, it does not seem to emit anything on the <400nm spectrum. Maybe he can reach out to Coleman.

A classic G shock 5600 watch. It’s been 15 years since my last casio watch, feels good to be back. Planning to mod this with an AliExpress aftermarket steel case and band.

My Knipex Cobra set :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face:


but how does one pronounce "Knipex"?

Knipex… I have 2 pairs and they are the best tool in the class!

I got my cyan D4V2 with 219b sw-45k emitters today. This thing is stellar!

The K is not silent, everyone knows that :smiley:

I never could spell “pants”. I always get thrown by the silent ‘k’.