What's Your Current Hair Length Style?

If I let it grow it’s basically a mohopposite or a ‘toilet seat’….so I buzz it weekly.

I like when these guys have a full-face beard (ie, not just a goat-beard) and baldy head, so they look like their heads are on upside-down.

Haven’t cut my hair since the wife buzzed me near bald about a year ago. Haven’t had long hair in years. Don’t know if I will continue but might just have one more locks of love in me. Gray pretty well hidden;-) Already looking forward to short hair again but kind of amazed that I still have a bunch of hair. Annoyed that it takes product and work.

This is the first I had heard of Clooney and the Flowbee. Imagine what they would have paid for such an endorsement when they were first out.

I had the good fortune to be introduced to the Flowbee by its inventor, Rick Hunts, at the Maui County Fair in 1986. Rick was a Carpenter from California, like myself, so we hit it off. Rick preceded to demo the Flowbee by giving me my first Flowbee haircut. I purchased one on the spot and I am still using it to this day.

Great investment and built to last.