Where can I find a 20mm Triple XHP50.2 / XHP70.2 board w/ LED's?

I tried searching everywhere in the matrix but can’t find anywhere that sells it.
Something like the pic below, 20mm w/ triple XHP50.2 or XHP70.2!!!

The reason you’re having trouble finding them is because COTS (commercial off the shelf) triple optics don’t fit 5050 or 7070 LED domes so there’s not a lot of demand.

What are you trying to build? What’s your plan for optics?

I think a square with 2 x 2 xhp.70 touching each other,7 x 7 mm each, is a 14mm square, requiring a circle of sqrt(2) * 14 = 19.8mm. 2x1 is 14mm x 7 mm, requiring a circle of sqrt(14*2+7*2)=15.6mm. 3 xhp70 would be something in between, closer to 4 than to 2. Look at a 20mm triple xp-l and imagine the leds doubling in size.

They would barely fit by themselves in the board. That leaves very little space for soldering paths, clearance, heat disipation, etc. I guess a triple xhp50 may fit but thermal performance would still be poor.

Wait, don’t XHP-50 fit on XM boards? Aren’t XM also 5050 size?

Yes, you can run XHP50 / 50.2’S on XM boards in 6v config.

Yes, but the OP wants a triple XHP50/XHP70(.2) in only 20mm. I don’t think triple XM-L(2) in 20mm were common either (or even existed off the shelf) before they became obsoleted for that format by the XP-L. In fact I can only find references to a triple XM-L2 in 35mm.

Here’s a triple 4040 footprint. Look how tight it is:

People have done some creative stuff with 10mm DTP boards but like CK said you are probably going to have to find 3x single optics or something.

Look into the TPAD MCPCB and ask about the optics used in this mod.