Where can i put my 18650 batteries, in the fridge? or it's bad for health of food in the fridge?

Take beer out of my fridge to make room for batteries? I would lose my Canadian citizenship for such travesty.

Ever wonder why brand new cells does not come 100% charged? It usually makes no sense for consumers/users to store them at less than full charge, retailers and such on the other hand...

Its highly variable , but cells do degrade with or without use ..

Initial quality will dictate deterioration rate ..

Storing cells within a certain temp range will extend there shelf life ...

Extreme cold , at or bellow 0 deg C and extreme heat 45Deg C + will shorten shelf life ...

By how much ????

Some of my 18650 are up to 3 years old , and shortly I will test the oldest cells I have to see how they have stood up to the test of time ..

New cells are not fully charged as cell degradation is less when the battery is around 50% or 60% capacity .

If you can find the original (not abstract) of this http://www.electrochem.org/dl/ma/204/pdfs/0253.PDF it probably has more relevant data.

that PDF was a tease !

While I'm sure there is truth to keeping batteries stored in cooler temps is beneficial, I have not witnessed an issue and I store many of my lights and cells in the garage. Right now it is 100 degrees F in my garage (about 38C). In the cooler months it can still be 80 degrees in the garage. I have RCR123A cells that are 4 years old and still take a charge just fine after being stored in that heat. When I have cells that do die, I just buy more.

Yeah, it's the abstract of the real thing. The original is behind a paywall. You can look at this, but the important page (145, fig5/explanation, 143 also) is missing due to goog book policies: http://books.google.com/books?id=2FxtI1SGuPwC&pg=PA141&lpg=PA141&dq=Modeling+Capacity+Fade+in+Lithium-Ion+Cells+Bor+Yann+Liaw&source=bl&ots=kcdnm651J_&sig=m4jjdXYYdKwhdPl5fjmFllppRko&hl=en&ei=3CJTTrTZO4nSiALA2-nGDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=Modeling%20Capacity%20Fade%20in%20Lithium-Ion%20Cells%20Bor%20Yann%20Liaw&f=false