Fasttech doesn’t seem to have XP-L HI’s yet.

Ragsy, I would get the U6-3A. It’s only one bin lower (7%) than the V2-1A but won’t be as bluish. Even 3A is still coolish, but should be closer to white. Somewhere around 4B is my favorite tint, but I would take something in the 5’s. I don’t want to go to 7 which seems too warm for me. So I’m still sitting it out waiting for a better tint for the XP-L HI C8’s.

Hi brted
Thankyou for your reply
Its really a toss up between the 1A/3A and the reality is that the kids wouldn’t care either way - it’s just their anal dad tiring to get that non existent ‘best’ choice

:laughing: It seems as if you’ve found the answer to your “best throw” question , you had it already !

Maybe possibly buy one of each , of the 1A & 3A Tints or go with your gut for the 1A ! I like the 1A.

Plus , who will get it to you the quickest and the best total price for you.

I might buy one. If I do, it’s going to be from Mountain Electronics. It’s more expensive by a few dollars, but it will come way more quickly, and way better customer service if there’s a problem.

Great lights.

re: Simon/Convoy—-Shipping Times

Does anyone in the USA know the average length of arrival time it

takes before a flashlight order reaches’ it’s destination ? Meaning once

the order has been placed with Simon/Convoy at his store in China ?

That’s what I did yesterday. Ordered one from Mtnelectronics. Opted for the guppydrv firmware for a few bucks more, primarily for the moonlight mode, but 22 groups of modes plus adjustable turbo step down timer are nice too.

Also ordered an LG E1 to go along with it. Those little critters roaming my backyard at night better watch out now. Mwahahaha!

Can anyone from the USA , here on the BLF , whose ordered
a flashlight from Simon at Convoy tell me what’s the average
length of delivery time to the USA destination ?

Just checked

Ordered my Convoy L6 on the 16th of May, arrived June 4th

Ok , that’s a fair delivery time from China.—-Anybody else have delivery time lengths from Convoy ?

Simon’s a standup guy. That said, I’d still order from a USA seller just for the piece of mind if something went wrong. No offense to Simon at all. The way I look at it is, if I ended up with a lemon, it’s easier to deal with local sellers rather than somebody overseas. To me it’s worth the extra money. Besides, I like supporting US sellers when I can. Yes I’m a patriot. I have to support my fellow Americans.

want to order C8 xl-Hi from convoy but want the AR lens and cannot figure out how to add 1$ to order. RMM would be my choice but does not offer AR lens. :question:

Placed my Convoy X3 order on Jan 2nd, package arrived on Jan 23rd.

Good point about a lemon buy, customer service and supporting local sellers.