Google image search shows ABBO as some kind of ABBA tribute/cover band. :bigsmile:
Joking aside, I couldn’t tell you. It’s hard enough trying to navigate their different bin codes for different LEDs. Maybe different flux bins for the 4 dies?
As for Kiwi. They are the only place other than mouser that I could find using the Cree codes for a neutral white.
I’d buy one for $7 to see if it is real. You could always ask them first before ordering. If it isn’t real. Paypal will take care of it if they give you any trouble.
If it is real, then you found a cheaper place than Mouser to get these. Mouser is always way more expensive. I only buy from them if I have no choice.
Hi Sundy,
Welcome to the BLF forum!
Here on the forum we do have some ideas for new designs direct thermal path MCpcb’s. But we can not easily buy thousands of them. What is the minimum amount of MCpcb’s that we have to buy to have a new type developed by you?
Cheers, Jos
Maybe start a new thread to discover different interests? First, I think we would need an idea of cost. Right? For example, what is the cost of a 19mm xp mcpcb? Say in an order of 25-50…
I am Sundy,I donot know why my username is Invalid,I have sent a email to you,Have you rreiceved?
Yes ,we are direct thermal path mcpcb manufacturer from china.
The board thickness is 2mm, the led footprint is standard 3535 footprint (Cree XP, Nichia 219, Samsung 3535), the central thermal pad is DTP to the core of the board.