Where to buy empty OP drop in?

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26.5mm Aluminum Mill Reflector KIT For XML T6: http://www.cnqualitygoods.com/goods.php?id=1416

Have some on the way.

It doesn’t shrivel when you solder it but it’s very slick and a bit tough to strip.

Thought I would revive this thread. It has the most useful info on my questions….

I put together my first P60 Dropin a few weeks ago using XM-L 3C 5000K neutral and SMO empty P60 from Illumination Supply. Craig was out of the OP reflector so I went ahead with the SMO just to get something up & running. Not real thrilled with the reflector on this sample as it has a nice white hot spot, a yellow corona, and blue-violet spill. I messed around with the focus but this only changed the size of spot and corona, and some smoothing of rings & artifacts. Anyway, what cleaned up this color separation mess completely: Phaserburns ‘DC-Fix’ diffusion film (CPF marketplace) put all those colors back together in a great smooth neutral tint, quite floody, still has a defined beam though little throw. Really happy with how this stuff works!

Anyway, I saw these awesome results from MRsDNF with an XP-G2 & KD SMO reflector in this thread:

Nice Beam there!

So hope I might be able to get a reasonable artifact free & decent throw from a SMO P60 using an XP-G ( I’ll likely use the XP-G2)

Input here from E1320 who has plenty of experience with a bunch of these empty dropins, sounds like my best bet is to order some from CNQG (?) I will likely get a couple each for XP-G and XM-L, one SMO & one OP to hedge my bets……

I’m thinking for something of ‘optical precision’ and being so cheap…. What is the QC like on these items? If you order 5, will they all produce the same results or luck of the draw? I would appreciate any advice from those with much more experience here on this. Thanks.

What empty p60 drop in would be best for an xml? most sites do not specify. Illumination supply is all out. would the ones form DX or KD fit an xml?

Fancy Flashlights has a SMO which should work. I have not personally tried them however.